Saturday, April 14, 2018

Leah Day's Explore Walking Foot Quilting: My "Rainbow Log Cabin" Part 7

I was so excited this morning to see how adding a square would work, that's what I did first thing in the morning before the Science March.

After I returned I re-read Leah's notes and realized I was supposed to sew clock wise, not counter-clockwise!  Because I didn't follow directions, this took a long time and I had to break thread for the last line and sew that separately.  Doesn't show in the end...

Not quilting

Parked at the Science Museum and walked to the County Bldg for the Science March...

I thought it was going to take about 30 minutes to get there, but it took...

I got to the staging area just a few minutes before the march started.  It was another good march. There was just a small number of people compared with last year's march or the other marches I have attended.  I hope the people who did not attend will still vote on the various election days.

At the end I took trolley back to City College and some friends drove me to my car.  So it was all doable.  I ended up sleeping the rest of the day though!

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