
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wed April 24: Me, Me, Me

Today there was another flurry of emails and phone calls regarding my mom.  The facility wasted our time by changing their mind several time - mine I was able to email or clean while waiting, but poor Ci was there before 9 as they said they would be doing PT again between 9 and 10.  She roused my mom so she would be awake when the PT people came in - but they didn't come in.  She went around to try and get information but wasn't able to get any answers.  She stayed until past 11 then texted she was going to get meds for herself and have lunch.  At 1 their time the case worker left a message on my phone that at that exact time they were transporting my mom to a different facility.  When I pressed to call back the number did not pick up.  So I texted a left message for Ci so she knew.  and DS so he would know too.  He decided to go to LA with his friend on this Wednesday so he was not around.

To try to de-stress a little I went out walkind and decided to have a manicure and a pedicure.  I tried a new place in Davis - it was $35 so I felt better about doing it. That is still much higher than I usually pay in San Diego but seems to be on the low end for here.

Around 3 a doctor from the new place called me mainly to discuss advanced directives.  I have all this filled out and signed but did not bring a copy here so I was trying to remember from memory what things had been discussed with mom and checked off.  It's so unfair.

So she said - based on I don't know what - that mom would be there for 4 months - not the 2 that I thought it would be.  So I'm thinking we need to move her out of the place she has been living all these years.  The place that had the lady hug her to standing and then let her drop and break her leg.  I want to talk to Ci before doing this move.

I'm looking forward to all the company will be having this weekend, but also wish things would calm down so I could just think.

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