
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

01152014: Wednesday Weeding and Whining

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today I had to spend time to get the org off my list of things to do.  When will it end? I'm not sure.  I know the previous people I worked with did not help out at all the way I had hoped, so I hope I will be off the list to ask things of soon.

I don't know what fabric to use for featured fabric for the project so I'm at standstill for that.  My notes say the blocks I'm missing along with thread were stacked before we left for Boston but I just can't remember where they are stacked!  I may want to use the thread, and i know I want to a baby quilt with the animal blocks.  Oh well.

Weeded outside for at least 15 minutes. The ground was dry so some of the weeds I just cut off at the ground line.

Did emails and reading and watching TV.  Cleaned kitchen.  Washed some blue fabric for building blocks.

I'm not eating mindfully and not exercising.  Not really accomplishing much.  I'm not sure what the deal is...
  1. Daily Photo - nope
  2. Daily Food - oatmeal/banana/PB, english muffin with butter/marmalade, frozen burrito, tapioca, salad, granola/milk
  3. Exercise -nope
  4. Sewing: Building Blocks,  RSC14 (Jan Blue) - nope
  5. Flylady: Beginning Baby Steps - Day 1: Clean Your Sink - Day 2: Lace Up Shoes - Day 3: Start exploring The FlyLady website. Be sure to read the Launch Pad section. This is where you will find the Daily Flight Plan Read flylady emails - Day 4: Your next thing is to write these things down on a sticky note and post them on your bathroom mirror and above your kitchen sink. This is the beginning of your Control Journal. The little notes help us to remember the habits we are trying to establish. Day 5: Recognizing the negative voices when you hear them and changing the words to be nice to you. That is what FLYing (Finally Loving Yourself) is all about. - Day 6: Spend 2 minutes working on a hot spot. - Day 7: Pick out clothes for next day - put them out! - Day 8: Today, go find an old three-ring binder and just put some looseleaf paper in it. Then, at the top of one page, write Morning Routine, and on the top of another page, write Before-Bed Routine in pencil. - Day 9: Today we are going to learn how to declutter our homes a few minutes at a time with some fun tools that you might have been wondering about from the reminders you have been reading in our e-mails. Making it fun will get the job done! Read the Decluttering FLYing Lesson!  Today, add a five-minute room rescue to your Morning Routine.  - Day 10: set your timer for 15 minutes and go gather up all the trash you can find to throw away and put it in the garbage can outside. Then set your timer for another 15 minutes and sit down and put your feet up and read a favorite magazine until the timer goes off.  Day 11- add another page to our Control Journals. We are going to call this our “Inspirational Page.” On this page, I want you to spend 15 minutes writing down some of your favorite inspirational phrases. - 12 - Delete Flylady emails, do not keep in your inbox! - Day 13 - find one of our missions and go and do it. They are fast and easy! This is going to introduce you to how we break our home into zones so that we never have to spring clean again. You can find the missions at your launch pad. - Day 14 - Today, go read the essay about using a calendar. Most of us are calendar challenged, and this essay is a way of making it so easy for us to understand. Day 15 - Add making bed to morning routine.
  1. Family - nope
  2. Others - nope
  3. Paperwork -
  4. Vitamins AM
  5. January Tasks: 
  • Decide on fabric for the backing and thread - and prep the fabric to cut the strips,
  • QG to QB,
  • emails, mint categorize, reports to TP and google,
  • Health Insurance for DS,
  • Papers for familyt,
  • Contact boston dentist,
  • contact friends for catch-up notes
  • Make appt for mammo and bones - for Friday leave noon
  • Lab work
  • Appt doctor
  • Wear Contacts
  • Appt eye doctor
  • Appt teeth cleaning
  • Give Re access and notes on communications
  • Reminders to org for outstanding invoices
  • Meet with new 2nd VP about his position
Thursday -
noon - Jo - at Tender Greens - lunch and walk
5:30pm He - at Corner Bakery

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