
Sunday, January 5, 2014

01052014: Sunday Nothing Much

 Sunday January 5, 2013

01052014: Thinking about Building Block Quilt colors - need two colors.  Think I will do grey and white. That will show off the stitching for the project.  I can use a colored thread to add interest to the project.
  1. Daily Photo - yes
  2. Daily Food - yogurt/granola, english muffin PB/marmalade, limabean soup hummus/nan, chickpea stew/apple/crackers, ice cream, cookies
  3. Exercise - nope
  4. Sewing - Building BlocksRSC14 (Jan Blue) - I think I have decided on doing Building Blocks in shades of grey and white - maybe with red thread.  I haven't decided on the backing material yet.
  5. Flylady - Beginning Baby Steps - Day 1: Clean Your Sink - Day 2: Lace Up Shoes - Day 3: Start exploring The FlyLady website. Be sure to read the Launch Pad section. This is where you will find the Daily Flight Plan - Day 4: Your next thing is to write these things down on a sticky note and post them on your bathroom mirror and above your kitchen sink. This is the beginning of your Control Journal. The little notes help us to remember the habits we are trying to establish. - Day 5: Recognizing the negative voices when you hear them and changing the words to be nice to you. That is what FLYing (Finally Loving Yourself) is all about. - 
  6. Family
  7. Others - organization emails
  8. Paperwork
  9. Vitamins - AM
  10. Tasks: QG to QB, og emails, mint categorize, health insurance for DS, paper for family
Didn't do a lot today.  Watched TV, made food, read blogs fiddled with pinterest.  I do not quite understand how to use it, but it is nice to collect images.

Got fabric out and started measuring.  At first I was thinking blue and brown.  Light colors of different blues that are mainly tone on tone and plain brown.  But I didn't have enough plain browns - the other brown had little dots of a different tone of blue so it wouldn't look right.  So now I'm thinking my precious grays and plain white and some tone on tone white.  I do not know the backing yet or the color of thread.  I do have grey and black thread I think - I will check tomorrow.

The organization is starting to send emails again. The outgoing lady doesn't realize how her tardiness has cost me so much time and effort we work around her.  I wrote an email to her but she wrote back that it wasn't her fault, etc.  She has made what was a joy and fun so unpleasant, now I just want to get out and away.  She misrepresents things - wrote an email just today about how we had monthly meetings and how agendas usually went out a week in advance - there haven't been enough meetings or emails answered.  But she has only called max of three meetings in a year.  It's a mess.  I can only help behind the scenes I can't keep covering for people not doing what they said they would do.  Just now the guy who was tasked with emailing the folks not elected copied me that he finally notified them. Shameful. I wrote to the group that I would not be attending the meeting and the email for one of the new board members bounced back!  She hadn't even fixed that in the second email she sent out.  Shameful.

Decide on fabric for the backing and thread - and prep the fabric to cut the strips.
QG to QB, org emails, mint categorize
Contact boston dentist

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