
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tue May 14: FMQing

Beginning FMQing on the charity quilt.
Today, finally, I FMQed!  It was my first time here in Cambridge.  I have the sewing machine on the dining room table - I'm unable to do the large stippling that I had planned on doing, but instead I did the sort of woven design in larger than usual size.

I'm not sure how much time what I got done took me.  I bent one needle very early on but that is the only needle trouble.

Had to refill a bobbin - put it in the holder the wrong way.  It was easy to correct and to rip the bad stitched out.

I think tomorrow I will finish this, and will place the design so it fits in the smaller squares.

Watercolor demo
I walked to Central Square and picked up two watercolor brushes and the paint I needed for the class - then I walked on to the library and the class.  There were not enough desks for the number of students that were there.  I wasn't inspired by the demo - so after it was done, I returned to the art supply store to return the items I had purchased today and the watercolor paper that I got a few weeks ago.  There was no trouble with doing that at all as I had the receipts.  I bought a pad of thick paper and a drawing pen to practice Zendoodling.  DS told me he had purchased a  workbook for me on this, I will ask him to look for it and send to me, but even if he can not do that I can practice from website sites!

I called DH to let him know I was not staying at the class and found out he had rented a zipcar to pick up a monitor - so I was able to meet up with him and go to Brighton to pick that up.  It's in Boston - pretty close though.  Very nice neighborhood.

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