
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SewCalGal - FMQ Challenge - April

Directions: Create a stencil and use it to mark your practice quilt sandwich where you will then use free-motion quilting to stitch along the marked lines.

AprilDon Linn

Before and During:  When I first read the directions, I didn't understand why this method would be good.  I had just had a very successful experience with the Leah Day's Quilt Along Wednesdays on the Free Motion Quilting Project.  She walked us several marking methods, I did the one that involved taping a pattern on a window, then taping the fabric and then to marking it.  Worked wonderfully for me.

Showing the traced design (blue) and the tulle (black) on sandwich.
But on thinking about it more, Don's method would be wonderful for those times when the marking brushes off once you start to quilt - or for when you decide you really want a particular pattern to be marked on an already sandwiched quilt.

So I got the tulle.  I know have several hoops at home, but haven't found them yet.  (I see one of the other ladies pinned the tulle to the fabric so I am going to try that if I have to.)  I think having the hoop would be much better though - it's just a matter of not wanting to buy something I know I already have somewhere!

SewCalGal April 2012 Design
I taped the pattern and the tulle to a piece of board and traced - then pinned to sandwiched fabric and retraced to get the design with blue on the material...  I'm not sure how long it took, maybe 5 or 10 minutes?

When I do this with a real quilt I will get a different type of marker pen, the blue seemed to fade away a I was sewing.  It didn't take very long to sew this one flower.  The arrows that Don included in his diagram made it very easy to do the stitching - there is a consistent place in the pattern where there is traveling.  I don't think without his arrow that I would have been as consistent at all.

After:  This is a terrific technique for me to have in my back pocket for future quilts!  Just need to remember to get a new marking pen and find the hoop!

You too can join up with the 2012 SewCalGal's Free-Motion Quilt Challenge now to become a better free motion quilter and have the chance to win fabulous prizes!!  

 To enter the April drawing:
1. Write blog entry or post a photo on Flicker. Copy and save the URL.
2. Then go to
3. Click on the April link - you'll go to the screen with information about the challenge for April. The direct link is:
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and add the link to your site.

I'm #70 on this list! I'm coding all my entries about this project with SewCalGalFMQ2012 so clicking on that will show the most recent post on top.


  1. Good to know the taping worked so well. I agree, it's awful when you know you own something and can't find it... happens to me all the time. Your quilting is lovely! So is your blog, gotta remember to check it out more often. Great job!

  2. Great job on the April challenge. Your quilting looks fantastic.

    1. Thanks Tammy! I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. I used a different batting - but am not sure what it is as it's left overs from a long armer.... But it's nice and puffy so I like that!


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