
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sew 15 Minutes a Day

I'm linking to:

Wednesday  - April 11 - Feeling very good today - those allergy meds are really working out fine.  I even walked part way to our local cafe for breakfast (DH picked me up and we ate together).  Then I got to work adding more stitching to the margins of my Leah Day whole cloth, and I did two blocks for Laura's FMQAYGQAL.  I have more to do to get caught up - with my sewing projects and with tax preparation, but feels great to be able to work and sew again!

Thursday - April 12 - Feeling better.  Took my mom out and in the evening watched the videos for the FMQing projects.  The Sew and Vac store was closed so I couldn't check to see if they have more of the green thread.

Friday - April 13 - Feeling good.  Went to cooking class with son and did block 19 for the FMAAYGQAL - started block 20 and ran out of bobbin...

Saturday - April 14 - Feeling good.  Called to different stores for thread - success!  Went to quilting workshop - worked on stippling on the big star practice piece for Leah Day.  After lunch with DH went to the fire sale with hopes of getting more thread in same color as I already had but the selection was very small...  Picked up some thread and fabric.

Sunday - April 15 - Only needing to take meds in the morning (for allergies to pollen).  Worked on taxes and then in the afternoon moved things in the sewing room to surround the sewing machine table with another table to support the quilt I'm working on.  I finished 1/4 of the stippling on the big star quilt!

Monday - April 16 - 45 minutes in the late afternoon - finished about 1/8 of the big star quilt.  Later I did the flame flower design for the FMQAYGQAL, and after dinner I did more work on the big star quilt - I'm now on bobbin three for this project.

Tuesday - April 17 - No sewing.  Felt fine though.  Spent the day with my mom and son.


  1. glad you're feeling better and congrats on 6 out of 7 days meeting the challenge.


    1. Thank you! I'm glad too - feels wonderful to have energy to do things again! I never knew what all the fuss about allergies was - for some reason this year it hit me - but now I know what to do!


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