
Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award……..

Doreen of Treadlemusic has given me a Liebster award! Thank you so much! You really brightened my day! Doreen is a quilter who rides motorcycle and lives on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother and now retired. You-all will enjoy visiting Treadlemusic to see her FMQing - she is one of the folks working on Leah Day's Quilt Along Wednesdays on the Free Motion Project. So sweet of her to give me one of the five awards....

The Liebster Award (German for favorite) is for bloggers with 200 followers or less. As a recipient of the award, you have the chance to thank and link back to the blogger who gave it to you as well as copy and paste the award to your blog, pass it along to five other deserving blogs, and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. So, without further ado, I would like to present this award to:

42 Quilts - Jennifer has embraced quilting - she looks at how to construct the tradition block and modern versions of those blocks. She has two weekly online challenges: Modern Monday and Traditional Tuesday, but there are always interesting things to see on her blog.

Ideas of Inspiration - On the first and fifteenth of each month, Sandy posts a prompt - it might be a color shape, adjectives, a pair of words, month, or some other concept. Followers are challenged to interpret the prompt and to post a photo. It's incredible how creative the postings are and how kind and encouraging the feedback.

pattilousquilts - Pat or Pattilou's quilting shows an amazing amount of variety and color. It's always fun to check her blog to see what she is up to! Her posts about making a swirl quilt and how to baste without commercial sprays are very popular and clearly written.

Sara's Scraps - Sara blog is full of quilting and stories about life. Click on the side bar for her topics - in particular click on Liberated Round Robin to see her brilliant tutorial on how to add a border using QAYG method!

Wayne Kollinger's Sketch Book - Wayne has a unique way at looking blocks and experimenting with ideas for quilts or parts of quilts. What if you change the size of the grid for (this traditional block), you'd come up with a unique new probably wonky block! Click on the side bar for his topics, or scroll thru his posts to get lots of ideas!

Thank you all for your inspiration!

And thank you again Doreen!


  1. Thank you June. I've been toying with the idea to let the blog go as I've really lost my mojo with it. This helps me at least keep it up for awhile longer. Sometimes life just gets too busy and we wonder where the fun went. Took the day off yesterday and went to The Five Year Engagement and laughed like a fool--that felt good.

    1. We've sent a couple of emails today. I hope you will keep posting photos of your projects on your blog. I know how the typing can become a black hole on our creative time. It should all be fun!


Feedback is welcome!