
Monday, April 2, 2012

Belated Invitation to Join in on LibRR2

You are invited to join in on the second Liberated Round Robin (LibRR2).

The second Liberated Round Robin has begun!

The quilters who finished the first LibRR were invited to collaborate in the planning of the second Liberated Round Robin. Clare, Mary, Pattilou and Jan decided they would each write up a section of the challenge for LibRR2.

Please sign up on this form to express your interest in joining in! You will receive access to post photos of your progress and to link to your blog or photo stream, you will receive a reminder email when each new step is posted to the site, and once you start posting photos of your LibRR2 you will be listed on the “Who We Are” page. (Even if you participated in the first Liberated Round Robin, please fill out the form.)

You are invited to join in on this online project. The emphasis this time will be for you to really stretch and to create a liberated piece! There are many different thoughts about what a liberated project is. Each author will be writing their guidelines so you get to know a little more how they interpret this kind of design.

You may use what ever fabric you desire for this project, and the end size is up to you. There is no need to match up colors to a focus piece of fabric - just pick something you like!

This time, in addition to following the guidelines for each round/row/part, we really want you to be open in how you order and size your pieces - so please do not sew them together until you receive directions for that step. There is no right or wrong way to do this - we want you to try to be open and liberated!

If you are interested in joining us for LibRR2, please use this form! (Even if you participated in the first Liberated Round Robin, please fill out the form.)

Pick and choose the suggestions you want to incorporate in your project and sew. Use these ideas for one to four+ rounds or rows that will eventually surround your initial block. This time, please hold off sewing your parts together until April/May. That way it will be easier for you to be creative during this process.

It’s okay to combine ideas, add alternative blocks, insert separating borders, or cut and rearrange what you sewed between rounds. Please report back to the others on the blog to provide motivation and ideas!

If you get behind, that is not a problem. You will receive an email to remind you when a new step is about to be added.

Join in at anytime. To follow along as we first work on LibRR2, here is the Tentative Timeline (all Fridays)

Mar 2- Invitation to LibRR2 (June)
Mar 16- Initial Block/Part/Round/Row (Clare) (Time to sew Mar 16 to Mar Apr 5)
Apr 6- Second Round/Row/Part (Mary) (Time to sew Apr 6 to Apr 26)
Apr 27 - Third Round/Row/Part (Pattilou)
May 18 - Final Round/Row/Part (Jan)
June 8- Please try to post your flimsie by this date
July 6 - Final Reveal Day - Please try to post photo of your finished project by this date!If you finish your parts/row/round before the posted deadline, please post a photo and share your thoughts on the blog. Then move on to another project until the next step is revealed!

The idea is not particularly to create the perfect project, but to participate in an online event while creating a quilt! Remember we all learn from each other and incorporate ideas into our own interpretations.... The more we experiment and sew, the better our pieces will become.

To read how this differs from a traditional round robin - click here!

Please share this invitation with your quilter friends!

I just realized I had asked others to share this information, but I forgot to post on my own site!

There have been around 20 quilters who have posted their interpretation of Step One - click here to see those posts with photos!

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