Today I went and bought a ton of Kaufman Kona Cotton solids!
I got warmed up last Wednesday... After a nice lunch with my son in Carlsbad, I went to Quilt in a Day in San Marcos and picked up:
Purchase One
1 fat quarter - modern art for polaroid block $2.55 includes 15% birthday discount
1 fat quarter - they didn't have krellow but I was hoping this would be close (actually Quilt in a Day does not have a good selection of yellow - and really not many solids - but they do have lots of other things) $2.55 includes 15% birthday discount
2 Kona Bay Solid White Skinny bolt (1.125 yards each) Usually $6.75 On Sale: $4.72 each or 9.45 for both. The lady wasn't able to tell me the difference between Kona and Kona Bay. There is also Kaufman Kona. I tested by putting a dark patterned fabric under them all - I could see thru all of them. This Kona Bay felt softer so I went with it.
I had wanted to get a Quilt in a Day square up ruler as they had on sale (16 in for $13 or 9.5 in for $10.50, but they did not have in the store so skipped that this time.
Was considering getting some stuff they were selling to stop fraying. The sales lady said if I could still see the seams would be better to just zig zag them. So I'll do that with denim things I do in the future.
tax 1.16
total = $15.71
Purchase Two
Just some of the Kaufman Kona Cotton Solids on sale. |
I just got a yard of krellow on sale for $5.97
and a fat quarter of cute sock monkey fabric was $2.99 I got 10% discount (she entered I had coupon I think) $2.69
She would have cut any fabric I picked as a fat quarter, I think that's good customer service and I will remember that for the future! Beverly's is a store I will return to.
tax .69
Total = $9.35
Purchase Three
My cart |
My fabric |
4 yards of garnet
2 yards of rose
2 yards of delft
2 yards of cloud
2 yards of grellow
2 yards of banana
2 yards of silver
3 yards of charcoal
3 yards of coal
3 yards of black
Each yard is $5.97 * 29 = 173.13
tax = 13.85
Total = $186.98
What are my plans for this fabric?
It's way too much fabric. But I do have rough plans.
The ash and garnet - and maybe the rose will be in my Facets quilt. I already have the pieces of made fabric set (#10 on this list) so it's just a matter of getting things cut and sewn really.
But part of me is questioning working on the Facet quilt now at all.
The Little Hazel is going to be a-really-read-and-follow-the-directions. I probably don't need two bigger projects like that right now.
I have my blocks to finish each month and my older projects to finish up too!
But we'll see!
Think I'll finish up the fun polaroid block and then start the center of the first block for Little Hazel with some scrap fabric (which is what I should have done before buying the fabric). I may even make a block or two of Facets just to see how that looks and how I feel.
By then it will be the first of the month and a lot of new blocks will be available!
Happy Sewing!
I'm lusting after more solids. I could get a little of all the pale ones, and pick up so some beautiful rich colors too. Oh and they had the nicest looking polka dot material, and all those modern Moda fabrics were calling to me too.
But I'd just be looking at the folded fabric or it would be boxed up and put away so better just stick with what I have, right? Right!