
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Tumbler Progress: additional 3.5 hours adds 15 lines of quilting

Detail of half of the quilt showing
the alternating columns with stitching.
When I was nursing our son, I kept such detailed records of how long and from which side he nursed.  I made charts of the time and condition of diapers when they were changed.  None of that meant anything to anyone. The doctor never asked me for the information, but still I kept lists and charts.  Someday I will probably find those notes and wonder what to do with them...

So now I'm doing the same thing with this tumbler quilt.  Keeping way to many notes that don't really mean anything. But now I will type them in this blog.  It might be interesting to someone wondering how long it takes someone to quilt a tumbler in this design.

First, I'm using a regular pressure foot. It has about a quarter inch on either side of the needle that I am using to guide the stitching.  If I do this design again I will do all the straight lines first, then go back and do the angle lines.  I'll decide after the piece is washed if I use the regular pressure foot again.  There are still a few pieces where there is a pucker in the sewing.  Very small.  I am more sure these will be sort of hidden once it's washed.

I am sewing starting in the center of the quilt and then moving out, always starting at the same top of the quilt.  I'm sewing along the inside of a column of pieces, then skipping a column and doing the same thing on the following column.  Later I will go back so there is a line of stitching on either side of all the seams.

What I did today, I think I will need to do three more times to finish the quilting on the project.  So I have roughly 11 hours of quilting to go!
After 11.5 hours or quilting.  I think I'll have to repeat what I did today three times to have all the lines quilted.

Today I worked about an additional 3.5 hours on the project and finished about 15 lines of mostly angle lines on the quilting.  I have about 45 lines of quilting to go!  (That is how I figure I have around 11 hours of quilting to go until the quilting part of the project is done. (then it'll be the binding and label!))

Here are the detailed notes:
Got started and bobbin ran out, finished the line but didn't record how long it took to sew that first angle line nor to hide the threads and reset the machine up with the new bobbin.
First 2 recorded lines (near center) took 32 minutes - 16 minutes for each angle line.
Next 3 lines took 35 minutes - almost 12 minutes for each angle line.
Final 8 angle lines of the day (toward outside) took 81 minutes - around 8 minutes for each one.
The outside straight line took only 5  minutes to sew.
I'm now on the third full complete bobbin, have added 15 lines of mostly angle lined quilting and have spent roughly additional 3.5 hours.
Will start the next session by winding the bobbin that is now empty so it is ready when I need it.


  1. Oh, my goodness! Even if I start to document everything, it doesn't last long! It sure is time consuming! I hope you post all your final totals. I'm curious! It sure is pretty!

    1. Today I didn't use the stop watch feature I just noted the time at the end of each line on a sheet of paper. It also helped that I did all the sewing in one sitting. I think I could have gone on but the little dog keeping me company wanted to go outside so I did that instead! : ) Thank you for coming by!

  2. It takes such a long time to quilt doesn't it? I'm quilting a quilt right now as well and I can't beleive how long it takes.

    1. I didn't realize it would take this much time! I'll go by your site to see what you are working on!
      : ) Thanks for coming by!


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