
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tumbler: How the top and sides will look

Subject to adding more rows in all directions - here is how I decided to finish the edges of the tumbler quilt.  I put one row at top and the bottom of all color blocks.  And at the side I added enough blocks so there is one column of all color - and then a straight edge with the beige that is in between the blocks in the center of the quilt.

I think I'll quilt by making vertical lines sort of echoing the zig zag of the pieces - so this will be done all in one piece - not QAYG.  Unless I decide to make the quilt larger.  Then I will use Sara's method of adding rows!

DH told me he saw a bunch of inexpensive tables at Lowes - think will check them out to see if one would be something I could use to baste quilts.

I'm pressing all the rows so they are in one direction.  There are a few pieces where the fabric flipped instead of staying put - but so far only one that got twisted.

Hmm.  If I had a design wall I would have worked more with the order of the colors - but I did clump them together so it looks like I scattered them on the top with some order....

I'm really surprised at how I'm enjoying putting this top together.  It would be lovely to be able to use it!

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