
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gwen Marston and Freddy Moran

I have neglected to share that I will be attending a 4-day workshop by these quilters in two months.

I am very excited, and feel that I'm really lucky to be able to learn from these two.

When first started quilting I found that even with my first quilt (that I worked on while learning how to  use a rotary cutter, etc.) that I did not like just following the directions.  First I wanted to use plain fabric - the teacher said no - I needed to have some design.  Then I wanted to have black background - again if I picked a design it could be mostly black.  Then when I was sewing the blocks I wanted to see how it would look in a different size.  I made the stars in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple (originally I had wanted to do the in different shades of yellow but the teacher said yellow wasn't used as a main color in a quilt).  And then my DH said I had too many colors - so when I sewed the top together it only had the primary colors.  For the back I wanted to have planets - so I had to learn how to sew circles - and I found fabric that did a good job of representing the planet.  Then my baby son asked where the sun was so I was thrown off as I wasn't sure how to size that (I had made the planets to scale with the earth being one inch).  (Now I know I should have said he was the sun! but didn't think of that.  The unfinished quilt is in a box somewhere.)

The next quilt I made was a triple Irish chain - it was interesting but rather boring to make too.  I had fun making the backing though I used the left over pieces and made a very modern design.  I liked it more than the front.  That project is also unfinished in a box in the garage.

I discovered the liberated quilters group on yahoo - somehow - I can't remember what inspired me to look.   But I found out about Gwen Marston and Freddy Moran (and a lot more) from that online group.  Before them when people saw my quilts they always made comments about how I should straighten something up or use fewer colors and shapes.  With the group I get inspired and my skills and self-confidence are increasing too.

Anyway, I get to go to the workshop given by Gwen and Freddy.  I've checked out their books from the library and am taking notes.  It's going to be great fun.


  1. You're going to have SO MUCH FUN. I think it's a great idea to check out their books beforehand and maybe even show up with your own parts department so you'll be able to hit the ground running when you get there.

    1. I got the rest of the books yesterday - so much fun to go thru them. I've finished my various online projects for now so will start making up some of the parts now. Thanks for visiting Sophie!


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