
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Expense: Bits & Pieces Fabric and Batting

I finally made to up to the Bits and Pieces store - having fire & moving sale - everything is 50% off.

I had planned on going yesterday but didn't feel well - so this morning I called to check to be sure they still had some Kona Cotton in plain colors.  The lady who answered seemed overwhelmed but said she would check.  She came back and said she only saw charcoal and ash - two colors that I like so I said I'd be up in 45 minutes.  It was over an hour actually as I had to stop to get gas and I missed the driveway so drove around a little to find another place to park....

I was expecting a junky store - sort of like Borders when was closing down - or like Beverly's was the one time I went in there -  but this one was beautiful!  Well stocked with all sorts of fabric and accessories.  I even saw someone that I met in a quilting class and said hello to her.  (She said the friday class still has a few weeks left this term!)  There was so much stuff, I had to ask the cutter where the Kona was.  I was thinking there would just be two rolls of the stuff - but no - they had a wide selection of colors behind the cutting table.  So I was welcome to go back there and pick things out.  There were a lot of pinks, yellows, oranges, greens and blues.  I was going to get one yard of everything but decided against that - seemed too much work for me to ask them to do....

But I got a lovely selection of colors.  I asked the man to look at what I had picked and to suggest a missing color - and he said orange would be nice so those last two cuts were made.

I asked about batting - and he said the packaged stuff was not being sold as it would be sold once they move - but they had black batting and thermal batting.  I was interested in the thermal as he said it would result in a warmer quilt....  We figured I would need 12 yards for three quilts - not bed sized but wrap around size for B & A and me.  So I ended up with the batting on the stick - it's about 60 inches tall and is around 14 inches or so in diameter.  (I put it in the closet out of site- ha ha!) He told me he'd put the skinny shinier under the top of the quilt so the warmth from body would be collected more.

For most of the fabrics I got 1 yard cuts - they are on the right - the stack with fewer fabric have 3 cuts of 4 yards each and 2 with 2 yards and one with one and a half yards.

4 yards
4 yards
4 yards
2 yards
2.3 yards
1.5 yards
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
1 yard
26.8 yards each between $5 and $6.10 a yard (but 50% off that) so $2.50 and $3.05 a yard.

12 yards of thermal batting $7.99 so it was $4 a yard. ($95.88)


price per yard subtotal
6.1 1 6.1
6.1 1 6.1
5 1 5
5 1 5
5.1 1.5 7.65
5.1 2 10.2
5.49 1 5.49
5 1 5
5 2.3 11.5
5.49 1 5.49
5.49 4 21.96
5.49 4 21.96
5.1 4 20.4
5 1 5
5.49 1 5.49
26.8 142.34
7.99 12 95.88

I think going over the receipt that I was over charged so that takes away some of sweetness, but still I ended up paying $139.20. I hope there really is 12 yards of batting.  I only counted 10 yards but figured I got distracted and missed stuff at the beginning of the count.  He was such a nice guy (although he had said the batting was $6.50 a yard when we started the discussion) and there were so many people lined up I didn't ask him to recount.

His working receipt says $258.38 - less 50% = $129.19
tax seems to be figured on the discounted price = $10.01
Total PAID 139.20 for almost 27 yards of fabric and 12 yards of batting

I think it should have been $238.22 - less 50% = $119.11

Could be he counted the 2 yards of orange as one yard - I'm not sure.  It still was a good deal.

I also got four packages of needles (1 quilting Schmetz 130/705 five needles $4.99 and 3 denim Schmetz Jeans 130/705 H-J fifteen needles $3.99 each  $11.97) -Totals $16.96  50% off so down to $8.48 and add .66 tax Total $9.14 PAID for needles. - A good deal I think.

Next time I'll be sure to make up my own list of what I purchase so the prices can be double checked.

As I left I remembered that I wanted to get some bright pink and yellow (and black and white that the store didn't have) for the quilt that I will someday make for my Godsister's son and wife.  There is no rush on that - I want to finish what I have already started and the wedding quilt I promised for H & K!

My DH is getting hamradio and other stuff and since I'm spending money is probably going to spend at least what I have spent on quilting stuff.  It's only right but makes me really wonder about doing the 4-day Gwen Marston workshop I was considering.

The online group that is doing the online swap is spending a lot of time discussing the size of the things to be mailed.  Next they will add notes about the value of things to be mailed.  I can just get my own I guess - took my name off the list for that.  It was really fun last time.  I have been using some of the scraps and pieces I received and have emailed and posted thanks to that lady.   But I haven't heard back from the lady I sent my time intensive tumbler fabric to so maybe I didn't make good choices for her.

Too bad there were no Kona white or reds* at the quilt shop. I had getting red and white fabric on my unwritten want list so I could make up some new blocks for Clare's project.  She collects red and white blocks and puts them in quilts for charity.  *There were lots of red and white fabric - but it was almost double what the Kona was!

I'm guessing the store was 2300 square feet.  It had a very nice selection of fabrics, books, novelties - and usually would have rulers and things too.  There was a little room just with thread - another with juvenile prints and flannel - one with patriotic themes.  A corner with sewing machines and cabinets -and a big classroom with a long arm and accucut (but I didn't ask if people could use or rent.  Get this, in one hour they do $12K of business - or at least during this sale - I'm not sure if that is the discounted price or profit.  The rent is $67K a month!

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