
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sat Feb 23: Chris!!

Fitbit not working properly

We woke at 11:30 and at 11:40ish Chris called to say he was working north of Boston and would we like to meet for lunch? Of course we said yes! It was just enough time to clear off the dining table and get changed. DH took the trash out too.

He drove up in a new little white car - parked away neatly in the garage.

At S&S Deli
After showing him the place we walked down to the S & S Deli for a nice brunch.  Then we walked to Harvard Yard and to the COOP.
And then it was on to show them (and tell them everything I could remember) about Washington's Headquarters and the Longfellow house.  It was nice to share the neighborhood a bit with him.  We made plans for him to come back with his brother later - said we'd go to Brazilian BBQ place....  I was glad to have some brownies to give him to nibble on his way home.

After he left I realized the fitbit was not working properly as it only had .6 mile after all that walking!  : (

The other day I had defrosted some chicken for dish I was putting together - but then we decided to eat at Life Alive for those two days - so tonight was chicken night!  I also cooked the brussel sprouts - pretty nice.

I trimmed the brussel sprouts ends off and cut them in half.  Put in pan with diced ham then after a bit added water and some vegetable broth concentrate - covered until the vegetables were tender.

The chicken was marinated in balsamic vinegar then put in a pan with some oil.  After it was browned on one side I turned over and covered each piece with a few tablespoons of horseradish. Right before serving I put another few tablespoons of sour cream in the pan to heat it up.  I cut the chicken in pieces and put it on top of the vegetables - very nice.

We watched the last episode of House of Cards and DH found some other shows to watch on HuluPlus.  (You still have commercials to go thru....)


Chris went to high school with our son.  He has degree in engineering now and is working out of Rhode Island...

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