
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Quilt Group: Block for Baby Quilt Mistake and more

I finally was able to spend the Saturday sewing with a group of ladies - they meet once a month.  We pay a small fee and have a wonder place to sew and people to chat with.  I haven't been for a few months so was so surprised when one of them walked in clearly pregnant!  When she left the room one of the regulars whispered to me asking if I'd like to make a block for her baby quilt and of course I said yes.

When I got the little packet of cut fabric I didn't really look until I got home, and there I discovered that there is a different definition of a block - it's more like a row if you ask me!

Beautiful fabric, it was clear how to put things together from the paper included with the fabric.

There were several places where the pieces needed to line up with larger pieces of fabric so that made it pretty easy.  I made sure there was 1/4 inch from the points to the next bit of fabric that would be added by another person.  There was however one piece that wasn't cut correctly so I tried to make an adjustment in the seams - can't believe I didn't notice how horrible the points in the smaller star turned out as a result until took a photo.  So today when I get on the train for LA I'm bringing the seam ripper and will take the block apart so I can try again.  The organizer said we could insert our own orange or blue if it was needed so if I mess up the fabric that is my fall back plan.

Earlier I noticed several orange flowers and took photos...

These we call Alex Flowers.  When my husband returned home in 1988 after I delivered our son he found these blooming in our yard.  We had lived in the house for three years and this was the first time they bloomed... This photo was taken as San Diego Zoo.

These I saw at both the Zoo and our neighborhood while walking little Buffy. They are such unusual flowers, I have not noticed them before.  It was funny to see them in two places on the same day.  I'm going to leave a note for that neighbor to see if I can get a plant or two.  Would look terrific up by the wall of our living room window.

I've been working on other blocks.  Blue and yellow - and have blocks that may be used in my Starry Bright Sky QAL, but I will wait to post until I receive the directions from Alida to be sure they can be used there.  Also made some liberated flying geese and worked on how to do free-form seed or orange peel blocks for the Thursday class - but I may end up just skipping this quilt project.

I already cut my testing free-form seeds they will be part of the back of my Leah Day Practice Quilt.

I have the room set up again to continue the quilting on the quilt I'm using to practice Leah Day Walking Foot Quilting...

I made our first reservation for the trip to Ireland - got the hotel room we will stay in Cork during the conference my husband is presenting.  I had to call Ireland to get the special conference rate - what fun!

About to leave now for train to LA to see King Tut exhibit tomorrow with my son.  My husband will be here with little Buffy so she will get her walks and food and company.

: )


  1. That's an interesting way to do a group quilt, by row! I can't see the problem with the small star, is it that they are supposed to be exactly the same size? I figured it was one of those wonky ones that are all the rage :) Have fun at the Tut exhibit! Did you see it when it originally toured in the 70s? 80s?

    1. I missed King Tut when it first came around, so was really happy to get to see it now. It was a great trip to LA. On the way back on the train I took apart the block - it's the center one that I need to redo. I don't think these ladies are into wonky at all so I'd better at least try to get in done in a more conventional way.... : )


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