
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finish #4: Big Star Quilt! Updated

This is what I've been working on during this first week of 'vacation'.

I'm linking up to:

I finished the binding on the big star quilt!

Front of the finished Big Star
Back of the Big Star
 I put the binding on the front by mistake, realized it after I turned the second corner so decided to just keep going.

For the finish of the binding, I decided to use clear thread in the machine and beige in the bobbin.  For most of the the stitching the thread stayed on the star background so that was fine.  It took about an hour to do the final round of the binding.  I forgot to keep track of how long it took to cut the strips, join them together, and sew on the first round....

I had purchased a special pen to write on fabric, so after it was done I wrote the label on the binding.

Label written on binding - "A long road for this quilt! Began piecing with the help of my MOM in the late 1960's.  Finished May 2012 for my husband, Bernie.  XXOO     4th Quilt by June Dodge"
I wrapped it up, put a bow on it and placed it at the table at Bernie's spot.  He was very happy to see the gift.  He wondered if he had forgotten an anniversary of something!  He took it down by the chair he sits in in the den - after a little while he put it on his lap while he was watching TV.

As I wrote on the label, this is my fourth finish.  My first was tied and given to my son, the 2nd and 3rd were FMQed (after finding Leah site) made for Quilts for Kids, and this one for my husband!  (I'm not counting the practice quilt or the little mug rugs I've made.)

Thank you, Leah! Without your help and encouragement I would not have been able to do this.  I have such a sense of accomplishment, and excitement to continue finishing quilt projects.

More on the Big Star Quilt

Binding Steps

These are notes to help me remember how I did this!

Binding Step 0 - Apply binding to the back of the quilt,  At the corners move the fabric so it's a little less then 1/4 inch - then it will be easier to do the corners (I did for the last two corners, worked well).  I like narrow binding so strips are 2 inches wide.

Binding Step 1 - Sew the folded fabric with about 5 inches of tail on both sides.

Binding Step 2 - Smooth the fabric and fold at the intersection of the two ends of the binding.

Binding Step 3 - draw the creases for both ends.

Binding Step 4 - pin the quilt away from the area.

Binding Step 5 - Fold to find out which way the fabric should be
facing, then put pin thru the intersection of the lines, Move so
it's at 90 degrees and pin so the fabric won't move.  Added:  The right sides will be facing each other!  Leah Day has a good video to help with this too:

Binding Step 6 - Sew, test to be sure it's correct, trim and finger press flat.  Sew on the quilt.


  1. Yea, a finish! It is always fun to finish a quilt especially one that has been around for a while. I'm so glad your hubby likes it - it will be treasured! I love your stippling. ~Jeanne

  2. Awesome job on you 4th finish! Your stippling looks great!

  3. Congrats on the finish- it looks great!

  4. Your fmq is gorgeous! What would we all do without Leah?

  5. I love your big star quilt! I'm impressed with the consistency of your stippling over a big project. It sounds like you were in the same place I was before finding Leah's website...quilt tops piling up with no way to quilt them. I will use your trick of folding the binding at the intersection so you know where to sew them together--very helpful!

  6. Five visitors! Thank you so much for coming by. This was a real breakthru to do the quilting and binding and to have a finish. : )


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