
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things

I'm linking up to:

Fabric Version

Tuesday May 15 - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday May 16 - Nothing with fabric
Thursday May 17 - Nothing with fabric
Friday May 18 - I rethread the machine and tried to do the Leah Day Sew Cal Gal design on my FMQAYGQAL block, but the needle kept jumping.  I think this is beyond user error and it's time to bring the machine in the shop!
Saturday May 19 - Nothing with fabric
Sunday May 20 - Nothing with fabric
Monday May 21 - Nothing with fabric

The Longer Combined Version - Too Much Information

I did not take notes during the week, but can refer to the checkbook to help me remember what I was doing!  Ha Ha.

Tuesday May 15 - The workers worked on making wood guides and rebar for the cement.  We are widening the driveway by about 24 inches.  We are adding an uncovered extension to the patio that is up against the house from the patio to the side of the house.  We are having the area to the side of the house (where we put trash cans) covered in cement and adding a sort of curb to the side next to the neighbors so we have a flat area and no dirt falling in our side of the property line.  They also worked on drains for the back yard and the what will be under the trash area.  We are going to later have a hole drilled thru the street curb for the water to fall thru.

Wednesday May 16 - Today the cement came and pumped the cement so quickly - it took about an hour for the truck to set up, pump and get set to drive again.  Very efficient way to deliver the cement.  The workers used shovels to get any air bubbles out - and used tools to get the pads at the right level so the water doesn't pool and goes away from the house.

Thursday May 17 - The workers worked on preparing the yard for sprinklers and moving valves to the side of the yard.  In the evening I attended this workshop at  INTRO TO MULCH & FERTILIZERS  Come learn how properly applied mulch can reduce your water use, help to minimize weeds and add that final touch to highlight the look of your landscape. You will learn about the different types of mulches, the pros and cons of each, and learn where you can get free or low cost mulch for your landscape projects. Jan Tubiolo, landscape designer and Garden docent will introduce you to fertilizers, teach you about proper application methods that are appropriate for your plants and the environment. I'm afraid I'll have to read up more on this - I think I was supposed to know more before attending the presentation.

Friday May 18 - More work on the sprinkler controllers and prepping the wall for the TV.

Saturday May 19 - I did not attend quilting sessions as I felt I needed to stay by the house (B went to graduation for his department).  The workers put the TV on the wall, they moved the water valves to the side of the yard, they finished putting the stucco on the patches for the removed gate, the removed intercoms, and speaker, and they took some things to the dump. In the late afternoon I went for mini meeting regarding finances for an organization I belong to. The treasurer forgot her computer so we were not able to work on getting the records straight, but I did receive the reimbursements that I have been putting in for so that was great!

Sunday May 20 - Slept in as there were no workers.  Then found my gardening gloves, the riddler my dad made for A, and started going thru the piles of dirt the workers left after they dug out the lines for the sprinklers.  I did not have any wood to move the rocks, so left a pile in each section of the yard as I finished it.  I got the riddler actually after I came across some glass that had been buried long ago.  So those sections of the yard were sifted to 1/4 inch!  I put the rocks by size in different trash cans I found - then when I ran out of room only put the smaller rocks in them.  I was careful to not bend and twist - so my back feels fine.  It took be about 7 hours to get 5 hours of work done.  Then got ready to attend, and attended retirement party for one of the people who stood up with B when we got married.  We each picked two people - we really each had three that we wanted to pick but since it was a garden wedding we thought 6 would be too many.  So B had this professor woman and a frat friend.  I had my godsister and a friend I had lived with for a few years.  We looked at the eclipse thru special glasses, chatted, had dinner, then people stood up and told funny stories about memories with this lady.  It was a special night for her.

Monday May 21 - I woke at 4am so was ready to go outside to do more rock sorting before the workers came.  It got light around 5am so that is when I started.  I didn't have time to sift everything so just did what I could do.  I found a few roots that still need to be dug out.  When the workers came the boss said they expected to find a few more roots - they were removed right away - and I did see two times that other roots were found and then pulled or dug out so that was good.  Today the sprinkler lines were layed out and then the heads were put on.  We tested the lines at the end - there are adjustments to be made for another day.  Round up was sprayed and the workers left - they will return on Wednesday.

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