
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sew 15 minutes a day - Kate's Life in Pieces

I just heard through Jane's blog about a new challenge for developing the habit of sewing at least 15 minutes a day.  Kate's Life in Pieces blog is offering encouraging notes and ideas to help this habit get so it's just part of life.

I'm not sure really if doing something for 66 days in a row will develop a habit, but I'm game.

Let's see for this week - since I haven't been keep track it's difficult to remember this past week:
  • Today - about to leave for another quilting class, planning on working on the piecing for my LibRR1 the rectangle round!
  • Friday - went to quilting class and basted a practice quilt for FMQing.
  • Thursday - joined the four sections of my tumbler quilt so it can be basted, decided on what fabric to use for backing of my practice quilt and pieced it together.
  • Wednesday - Sunday - can't remember but know I've been moving parts around for the quilt I made at the Marston/Moran workshop.  I need about two more square feet to finish that project.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the 15 minute challenge. Sounds like you made some progress every day. I think it's difficult to make the 15 minutes of sewing a day a habit, real life just gets in the way to often. But for me, it has helped me get more done than I would have had I not challenged myself.


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