
Friday, March 30, 2012

FMQAYGQAL - Blocks 13, 14, 15

Directions for blocks 13 and 14 (Row 4 blocks 1 & 2)
Directions for block 15 (Row 4 block 3)
Directions for block 16 (Row 4 block 4)

Laura continues the theme of Landscapes and Seascapes for blocks 13 and 14...

I wasn't clicking with her large rose with leaves and spiral tree so instead did variations on Leah Day's.  These are variations as I didn't remind myself what the designs actually were officially on Leah's site - I did from memory!

Tree Bark - Front
Block 13: Tree Bark 
Directions here:

I've done this design several times before.  I like the way it stitches up, and I like the texture it brings to the fabric.

Tree Bark - Back

Dresden Daisies - Front

Block 14: Dresden Daisies 
Directions here:

This is the second time I've done this design - both times I made the flowers smaller and farther apart than Leah did, but I still think it looks nice.

Dresden Daisies - Back

Block 15:  McTavishing

My First McTavish - Front
This design was really difficult for me to do.  I drew it several times but it never looks great....  My sewing version actually looks better than the drawing!

My First McTavish - Back - Luckily the pattern hides the knots of thread...
The thread is sort of splitting so parts of it gets jammed up before the needle - so then I have to stop, hide thread, rethread and start again.  The thread seems to jump out every once in a while so there is a large section of loose thread behind the machine - I reroll the thread, double check things and can go ahead for a few inches.  But then the splitting is visible so I have to stop, hide thread, and start again.

The sections between the McTavishing look odd the way I'm filling the space so I actually like it better when it's left open...  I may take my machine in for servicing then will continue on this!


  1. Gosh, your mctavishing is FAR better than mine! Sorry it's taken me so long to comment - the holiday got in the way :) LOVE the dresden daisies. I must try that one. Ok, it's late and the 'prove you are not a computer' comment text proof thingies are getting hard to read / driving me up the wall so I will call it a night and come back later!

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog - and for organizing the project!


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