
Friday, October 14, 2016

Procedure Reminder: Curved Seams

When I'm getting up my nerve to try a new project or block, I have been sewing strips of different scrap fabrics that someone gave me.  I'm hoping that the variety of colors and fabrics will look nice when things are trimmed and sewn together in a quilt!  I'm making charity quilts - and perhaps one for me too!

One of the piece had a hole in in, so I decided to practice putting a curve in the seam. I'm posting photos to remind myself what I did!

I had to add some fabric to make the strip a little longer.  The hole is visible.

Over lap about an inch and a half - right sides up for both fabrics is important!
Used rotary cutter to cut a curvy line.  In this case it was all about the hole!

Remove the little strips and put the pieces together to verify where the top of both pieces will be when you sew.
Then flip over the one piece and start sewing!  

Press the seam.

Verify flat on the top too!
There are, I'm sure other ways to do this.  I just wanted to document so I would remember a way that was successful to me!

Yesterday we went for a day trip to Mexico.  We drove to the border and parked on the USA side, then walked across the bridge!  Once there our passports were checked, stamped, etc.  Very different than what it used to be.  The passport man was very friendly though, his daughter is now teaching in France!

Although there were a lot of people walking over, I guess they were either locals or on their way to somewhere else as it really wasn't built up to entertain tourists.

Regular old (could be pretty much anywhere) shopping mall.

We were there as I had gone to a dermatologist the other day and he prescribed Retinol-A.  Not covered by insurance.  He recommended going to Mexico to buy as it would be a lot less.  So I did. 

The kick plates of the cabinet at the doctor's office were wrapped with metal.  Looked nice.

While waiting for the doctor to come to see me I was entertained as it was a Pokeman stop so I got supplies - then I captured this guy too!


  1. Practicing curves is always a good thing to do.

  2. Good job! Gentle curves aren't so bad! I've walked across to Mexico for medication before. was an experience!

    1. Yes, gentle curves is the way to go!

      Only one time for Mexico walk? I've walked over a few times over 25 years. Much nicer now - but not really set up for tourists at the other end...

      : )

  3. I've never done gentle improv curves like that. It looks fun!

    1. I did for a block lotto block a long time ago - was fun. We inserted green fabrics on a B&W background and made reed blocks. Thanks for coming by!


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