
Monday, October 10, 2016

Play with Me QAL: Photo of all the blocks!
Here is a photo of all my blocks in one frame!

I started with using the aqua and white fabric, but then decided to switch to denim to make them all into pillows for our den and living room!  **Perfect as my husband teaches educational game design and sometimes they do work on designing board games (although this semester they are working on making presidential card games). 

I blogged about making these blocks:
  1. Checkers Pillow Cover denim
  2. Checkers - front only aqua & white 
  3. Nine Man's Morris Pillow Cover denim
  4. Backgammon Pillow Cover denim
  5. GO Pillow Cover  denim
  6. Peg Solitaire - front only  denim
  7. Ludo - front only  denim
  8. Hexie - front only  denim
  9. Coppit - front only   denim
  10. Snakes and Ladders front only   denim
This QAL was done very nicely.  The directions were clear and challenged us to use different types of procedures for the blocks.  But we were also allowed/encouraged to make changes as desired to make the blocks our own.

: )

Click here to see what the others have finished up!


  1. Amazing June. So much work went into those. And they do look stunning together. I like the pillows I can already see in the background. =)

    1. Thank you Katrin! I was hoping to finish the pillow part up before posting the summary photo, but Alida said it was okay to post as it for my extra chance at her drawing. I will go into production mode and make short work of the backs and zippers though!

  2. Wow! These all look terrific. Good for you for keeping up throughout the project!

    1. Thanks for coming by! This turned out to be my only monthly outside of me quilt thing that I did thru out the year. Turned out it was enough. I will need to turn the front into pillows, but will do that when I can...


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