
Friday, February 19, 2016

Play with Me QAL: 02-2016 Nine Men's Morris

I have finished my second block for the Play with Me Quilt Along!  

This month the board game is Nine Men's Morris, a game my family learned how to play a long time ago during a visit to Plimoth Plantation. What a wonderful time that was for us! So many happy memories. DH was writing an article in the hotel room, so I would take our pre-first grade son to the area and we would spend the morning with the Pilgrims or the Indians. Then we would go back to civilization and have lunch and often get books to read and learn more before returning. On our very last day there, DS was pretending to make butter, and I heard a man's voice speaking Swedish behind me. But it wasn't just any man's voice, it was my friend, B, with his little daughter A and wife C! A is just a year or so ahead of our son, and at that time she didn't know English.  But we-all spent the day together and by the end, our little son was saying a few words in Swedish.  Titta! Titta! [Look!] He said pointing to a maple leaf he had made swirl to the ground. Magical.  Neither of us knew the other would be on the East coast, it was a total and happy surprise.  It was a wonderful summer.  I remember we mailed our clothes home as DS collected so many unusual rocks at the seaside, we had to make room in our luggage to bring the rocks back!  I know just where those rocks are now in the garage...

Okay, well back to this block.  This month Alida had us follow a foundation paper piecing plan.  Her directions were well thought out an explained.  

I cut up old denim pants to make the board game block and then added a back with a zipper to make a pillow.

Alida's directions are very clear.  Here are some photos showing my progress with the block...

Sections sewn and the layout diagram.

Sections sewn - front view
Sections sewn together - back view

Pre borders
with Borders

This is my second game pillow, and we are so pleased with how they look together on our sofas!

Next month the block will be backgammon and the technique will be reverse applique.


  1. Your pillows are just so amazing!!! I am happy that the board brought you nice memories too!! :) I never tried to use denim with paper piecing, you were very brave and the result is wonderful! Thanks for linking up!!

    1. Thanks for coming by Alida! The denim fabric worked fine with the paper piecing. Would have been easier to have fabric without seams, but I wanted folks to know I was using clothes as the fabric for the pillows.

  2. Both of those games look great in denim, as pillows!

    1. Thanks Shasta! My husband teaches classes on educational game development so it will be a nice theme to have for the pillows...


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