
Monday, November 23, 2015

Monthly Quilting Saturday and Fakesgiving - our testing of new recipes

First,  had a wonderful time at the monthly quilting session.  I put the label on my hour glass quilt and turned it in, then I basted two charity quilts for a different charity, Quilts for Kids.  I did one of them so there will be no binding as it's turned inside out and the other one I will probably do one of my wide bindings after quilting it.  Unfortunately neither of these are very pretty quilts but they will be warm for someone and I plan to practice more of my FMQ, including feathers in the corner of at least one of them!
Two projects ready to quilt. Going to use gold
thread on the front one - click to see the color!

Since then, I'm all about recipes and shopping list, so didn't do anything in the sewing room, and Shasta, I haven't done any decluttering or cleaning beyond straightening up the downstairs.  
My circle would be out of bubbles as our clothes washer has decided to not work - the lights are just happily flashing at me.  Of course I discovered this after putting in kitchen towels and putting in some bleach directly on the towels.  I had to pull out the towels and put them in a container full of water so they wouldn't be destroyed by the bleach.

Kaja has made my day and written to tell me about the linky she has on the last Tuesday of each month where people share their projects. Link up your recent improvisational quilt, top, block, plans, or ideas. Sounds like great challenge to share this way.  I added a button to my side bar on the blog!


On Monday before Thanksgiving three kids that went to high school with my son are coming over with two new-to-them recipes and we will all taste to help determine if they will bring to their Thanksgiving dinner with family.  They are bringing bread pudding and 'pink stuff' something one of them remembers from her childhood - involves cool whip and cranberries.  Sounds very interesting.  I'm not sure if the cranberries will be cooked or raw, whole or ground up.

Last year we did the cooking together the same night as the test tasting, but it took a long time so this time we are doing the prep work before.  (I guess we should have done this in October so we would have more time for fall back plans - and so we wouldn't have to eat the same thing so many days of the same week!)

So tomorrow my DH and I are making:

  1. General Tso’s Cauliflower -
  2. Slow Cooker Sunday: Honey Garlic Chicken-
  3. Salad -Broccoli, red onion, cashews dressing 1 c mayo, ¼ c sugar, 2-3 T red vinegar
  4. Pumpkin Dinner Rolls -  I'm only going to completely bake one for each of us to taste, but will par-bake the rest per this website:
  5. Grapefruit Cornmeal Cake -  DH is going to half the recipe for the testing - if we like will make a full recipe for Thursday.
  6. Pumpkin Ice Cream - Might make double recipe of pumpkin ice cream -
Everything except the Honey Garlic Chicken might make it to our Thanksgiving dinner.  We we decide after we taste!

Or maybe my circle would be a happy face, feeling very good about the quilting, the ladies in the sewing group, that I have a sewing room, that I have online friends, and that we are going to have our recipe testing session tomorrow!

Added Dec 7 2015:  Photo of the flowers DS brought - the white flowers were buds when he gave to us!


  1. Hey June, if I lived closer, I would help you out by eating some of this food so you wouldn't have to eat it again on Thanksgiving. Just to help you out, you understand. I too have been focusing more on quilting and less on cleaning, but I will find the balance again soon. That's awful about your washer dying at the worst possible moment. I hope you get it resolved soon.

    1. Ha ha - wouldn't that be nice. Had one of the rolls this morning - microwaved with some jam and a coffee. Great way to start the day of chopping and dicing. : )


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