
Monday, June 10, 2013

2 Questions: DH Quilt

The Block
The left over strip after
The six mini unit are cut
I'm finally working on the quilt for my DH.  This photo shows one of the test blocks that I made... The quilt will be 8 of these blocks so it will end up being around 45 inches by 8 feet.

I originally had a different color square for each block, but my DH requested the squares to all be black.  I'm letting him decide what fabrics to use for the blocks and then when they are put together will have him decide the order for the blocks too. He is very opinionated about these things and doesn't seem to always like the choices I have made for my colors or blocks, so this seemed a good way to do it.

In my test blocks I tried to pick one dark, one light and one medium and then either to have a dark or light in the block space.  He has a different vision for this and picked fabric to be next to each other based on the design or the color (putting two blues together for example) - actually I think he would have rather that I just use three fabrics for the entire quilt but I had the fabric that I have so he had to pick different fabric for each block....  So he is getting to pick from the fabric that I have but it will go in the quilt with the block I decided on...

Question 1:  Now that I am cutting the pieces I'm remembering that I will have extra sewn together fabric (in the center of the photo).  I'm wondering what more experienced quilters would do with this fabric?  Seems the choices at this point are to leave uncut or to cut in the same or different sizes.  So what would you suggest?

Question 2:  I used Elmer's Washable School Glue to help me with basting the quilt I just finished.  I'm wondering if it could be used to baste an entire quilt?  Like with a dot of glue every 4 or 5 inches...  What do you think?
Added later:

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