
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SewCalGal - FMQ Challenge - July 2012

Directions:  Tiles FMQ Design

JulyAngela Walters

SewCalGal- July 2012 Front
SewCalGal- July 2012 Back

Before:  The instructions were clear, seemed it would be an easy design to do!

After:  Indeed this was an easy design.  It would be really nice to do with the straight lines as shown here, or with the variations on slanted lines or putting different designs in the boxes.  I like this design and will use it in a project again someday!  It's been weeks since I have sewn I think - somehow the practice I did before worked as I did not break one needle or any thread.  There is one box where I saw once I was done that I forgot to add one of the bars to double surround it - but I doubt anyone else would see it (unless they were in this challenge!

You too can join up with the 2012 SewCalGal's Free-Motion Quilt Challenge now to become a better free motion quilter and have the chance to win fabulous prizes!!  

 To enter the July drawing:
1. Write blog entry or post a photo on Flicker. Copy and save the URL.
2. Then go to
3. Click on the July link - you'll go to the screen with information about the challenge for July. The direct link is:
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and add the link to your site.

I'm #155 on this list! I'm coding all my entries about this project with SewCalGalFMQ2012 so clicking on that will show the most recent post on top.

My Days - Fabric and Other Things (July 24 2012 - July 30 2012 )

July 24 2012 - Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday  - Nothing with fabric
Thursday  - Nothing with fabric
Friday  - Nothing with fabric
Saturday  - Nothing with fabric
Sunday  - Nothing with fabric
Monday  - Nothing with fabric

The Archers
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday - I'm caught up with listening to The Archers!
Monday -

Way Too Much Information
Tuesday- Worked on compiling the feedback on the draft flyer - then wrote to president to verify the ending time.  Off to mom to get her and take her to exercise.  She was happy I think when I said we were going to exercise program.  The student told me she has been declining in the number of sit to stands (I didn't take her all last week as I was busy with the conference.) but said she was still trying and moving so that is good.  I asked the workers at assisted living to offer her the cream for her face - it's so dry....  The van started making a strange sound so I called DH for suggestions on where to have it looked at - after dropping mom back I left the van - and DH came to get me.  We went out for late lunch then went to Salvation Army as it looked like they had outdoor furniture - but it turned out they really didn't - it was wood stuff.

Wednesday - The new car repair place called to get more information on the noise.  They called later and said the oil was so low they thought that was causing the noise.  They noticed a small leak in the transmission, gave me the card of another business to take it to to have that checked out.  I can't remember the rest of the day.

Thursday - DS was late in coming to get my mom so I picked her up.  He meet me there - we had lunch together.  I told him important for her to get all the exercise possible especially since the beauty college had changed times and we couldn't take her there.  I went to Home Depot on the way home to get the wire grid to fix the riddler.  Then I got ready for the conference tomorrow.

Friday -  Got up very early 5am early to go to airport.  Met one of the other board members as he was walking by - nice flight.  We rented a car and went to Monterey wharf for lunch - fun to taste all the calm chowders offered by the different restaurants.  Had a nice lunch of salmon then checked into the dorm.  I met lady from LA in my suite, we chatted a while before leaving for the keynote and dinner.  The keynote was very inspirational - good way to get us started.  Back at the dorm I worked on the presentation a little, turns out I wasn't listed on the program - sort of a drag to be asked to do a talk and then not get credit posted... : (  Oh well.

Saturday - Lovely breakfast - attended all the sessions that I could.  Confirmed that we are on right track for our affiliate.  The overseeing organization wants control of our VR account which was off putting but then they said they would put the membership list in each month which would be lovely.  They send that monthly now to the president not the communication chair so often I don't receive it.  There was a talk that didn't match the title - probably because of the way they scheduled and asked people to present.  His talk was good though.  We only had I think 15 people for our talk.  We kept to the clock and presented what we had discussed.  Kim was a good person to team with.  The original third person was the ending keynote - he would not have been a good match at all to work with - very flamboyant.  His was a strange talk to end the event with as talking about a school that I didn't see could be replicated all over.  He is lucky to have the support and freedom to do what he wants to do.  He did not tell us how kids get into his school nor how many go on to complete 4-year degrees.  DS's high school reported that everyone was accepted to 4-year school but I knew this wasn't true - and of his friends our son is the first to get 4-year degree so I'm not sure the high school prepared them for college well.  We had dinner with Harry in Moss Landing - a place called Phil's Seafood.  Was very nice.  We got caught in traffic on the way back and just barely made the plane home.  DH had had cable come to set up new boxes and I had said to go ahead and put in the sewing room - but he went ahead and bought this large TV that takes up what I was going to set up as the design wall in the room - so oh well.  I lost control by going to this conference I guess.

Sunday - Have sewing room block so couldn't sew today even though that is what I had planned to do.  Instead I did some paperwork and a little work in the yard.

Monday - Wasted the day - DH had hired someone to pull the weeds but left so I had to be there to check work and give water, etc.  DS had said he would come by today as I wasn't here Friday to cook, but he didn't come.  So it wasn't a fun day.  Did put the weed and feed that we ordered from Amazon on the grass - hopefully that will help the new UC Verde get going more evenly in the back yard.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things


July 17, 2012 Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday - Nothing with fabric
Thursday - Nothing with fabric
Friday - Nothing with fabric
Saturday - Nothing with fabric
Sunday - Nothing with fabric
Monday - Nothing with fabric

Way Too Much Information

July 17, 2012 Tuesday - Big day with my organization.  DS texted about 11 am that he would cover and take mom to exercise so I was able to go to the first onsite meeting for the conference.  DH is in charge of the speakers so he came too, and that was a good thing as it turned out they offered us different rooms this time - much better for the vendors and we also get s few large rooms too.  Of course they didn't have the prices for us so we are still up in air a bit.  There was a second meeting too with more people, we decided on the name of the event and other things.  Oh I'm going to be the treasurer of the organization for now - that will be a good job as then I will know when people pay their invoices.

Wednesday - Woke around 11 - the first email I got was from someone telling me how much I owe for car that is yet to be rented - and then from people who I wrote to over a week ago to try and get things started for a presentation we are supposed to give together.  They waited until now that I'm in start up mode for the conference.  Bad timing.  I did emails for that in the evening.  In the daytime I did gardening and cleaning. Just couldn't get into bookkeeping....

Thursday - Can't really remember - getting busy getting things in order for the conference with my organization.

Friday - Can't really remember - getting busy getting things in order for the conference with my organization.

Saturday - Can't really remember - getting busy getting things in order for the conference with my organization.

Sunday - Can't really remember - getting busy getting things in order for the conference with my organization.

Monday - Can't really remember - getting busy getting things in order for the conference with my organization. Then went thru envelopes to pull out bills and things.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things


Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday - Nothing so far with fabric - planning how to sew letters in fabric
Thursday - Nothing with fabric
Friday - Nothing with fabric
Saturday - Nothing with fabric
Sunday - Nothing with fabric
Monday - Nothing with fabric

The Archers - 15 minutes

Wednesday - Listened to episodes - it's been on the air since before I was born!  I think it will be good to eventually do something while I'm listening.... will have to find my earplugs so I can walk around while listening.
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information

Tuesday - Can't remember what I did for most of the day.  I ended with transplanting two lawn plugs to the back yard where the sprinklers are not watering properly and then starting to really go down in the dirt in the side front yard to sift out the rocks and just loosen the soil.  I tested running a drip line from the back to the front but the tube was not really long enough. DS called to tell us he has be accepted into the Cognitive Linguistics MA program!  He plans to start this fall.

Wednesday - Today DH unexpectedly left to work on campus.  It took me a while to ramp up to working on things that are easier when he is not here.  I like to listen to TV and walk back and forth to different rooms between downloading data and putting it in to Quickbooks.  When he is here I feel like I need to be quiet....  I ended up spending a bunch of time working on the drip system.  The new manifold that I purchased thru Amazon blew apart just a few seconds into the first test of using it - I guess that's why it's really better to buy in person and to keep receipts to return things.  I have enough tubing now to put about four drips from the back to the front.  It would just be a temporary thing and I still have to water a section between the walk and the driveway by hand anyway so maybe I should just skip this experiment.  The new tubing is not as flexible as the type I have been using - but the water still goes thru the kinked sections.  I'll be more careful to be sure not to tug it and cause more kinks.  DH decided to not go to the meetup so we went to dinner - to place in El Cajon - we had gone first time a few weeks ago.  The food the first time was fabulous - tonight was okay - even though I ordered the same salmon curry it was not as good at all.  After we went to yet another Home Depot and bought more stuff including compost and amendments for the front side yard.  I didn't realize Jose was not going to prepare the soil before he put the plugs in the front yard, so I'm back tracking that expense and trying to make up by doing it myself....

Thursday - Can't remember - busy with organization and conference I think - or the yard....

Friday - Can't remember - busy with organization and conference I think - or the yard....

Saturday - Can't remember - busy with organization and conference I think - or the yard....

Sunday - Can't remember - busy with organization and conference I think - or the yard....

Monday - Can't remember - busy with organization and conference I think - or the yard....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Archers - 15 Minutes a Day

I aim to add something to my life - listen to this everyday - 15 minutes - There must be something I can be doing while listening... Clean kitchen? Exercise? Dust? Pick up? or just have a cup of tea and pretend I'm with Clare!

But I have to practice getting used to the accent of the actors (vocalists?), right now I have to concentrate to understand what they are saying. Eventually I'll get to know the characters!

They have the shows up for one week on the website...

: )

Lightbox Disabled!

I was reading an old entry in Clare's blog and where she mentioned she had disabled the light box feature in blogger - I could not find where she got the help in the blog she linked to - but by googling was able to find a job aid

So now you'll be able to see the detail in the photos I publish just by clicking on them in the blog.

Now I just need to figure out how to have each comment be assigned a number so I can organize a drawing!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things

I'm linking up:


Tuesday - Added a second strip to the RWB blocks and washed more blue fabric.
Wednesday - Added third strip to the RWB blocks.
Thursday - Added fourth strip to the RWB blocks, and realized I should have made at least one of the strips wider so they could be trimmed at more angles!
Friday - Nothing with fabric
Saturday - Nothing with fabric
Sunday - Worked on sewing blocks together or cutting blocks to size
Monday - Sewed the quilt top together

Way Too Much Information

Tuesday - Took mom to exercise and walked while she was doing that.  Then I took her back so I could get her supplies at Walmart.  It's hard to push her and a cart at the same time.  Once home DH and I watched some TV then pulled weeds and worked on the new lawn.  Apparently I was supposed to put a lawn feed with herbicide (HALT) on right after planting the plugs. We went to Home Depot but they do not carry that kind of herbicide.  I sewed one more strip to the RWB blocks and washed more of the light blue fabric so I can cut more strips later.

Wednesday - Went to different gardening stores to pick up new plants - looking for but didn't find Scott's Turf Builder with Halts but did find a Melissa plant!  When we were in Lithuania DH cousin's made tea out of the dried leaves of this plant - I can't remember want it tasted like - but do remember it was wonderful.  So I'm glad about that.

Thursday - Still overcast so weeded, got rid of rocks, and planted the new plants.  DS came to take my mom to exercise - I stayed home to work on the yard.

Friday - It wasn't overcast, but still DH and I worked on putting the drip system in place.  We moved the ones that were in the square planters to the rectangular one - and put the new ones with more outlets in the square planters.  We need to get some more tubing so we can take some water from the back to the side front yard.  It's very nice to feel empowered to do this stuff!  Went to An's for the summer fried chicken event - lots of fun to see everyone again.  This year DS brought his girlfriend along - first time for that!

Saturday - I can't really remember what I did - DS had said he was coming over as he didn't come Friday for cooking session, but he didn't... : (

Sunday - DH and I went to the swap meet - terrific to get out of the house!  I got mom some socks - DH bought old radio and telescope and more.  He almost spent $100!  After we went to Italian place we both remembered as being great - but it wasn't this time.  The pizza was all toppings with very little sauce.  DS didn't come over and didn't call or text....

Monday - I got up early to sew the quilt top together, checked the sprinklers, then slept until it was noon!  I did some bookkeeping, in the evening started moving rocks around and sifting the dirt in the side front yard.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Red, White and Blue Blog Hop: July 7

What fun to be part of the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop arranged by Jane's Fabrics.

Over 100 quilters are sharing their blocks and ideas!  A few each day during the first part of July!   The complete list can always be found by clicking the button on the side-bar of Jane's Fabrics!  Please take a peek at all the inspiration posted by everyone!

4-Patch Blocks

I decided to share a fabulous technique for making 4-patch squares. This is such a versatile block, one that can be resized as you'd like, and can either be the main focus of the quilt, or a wonderful sashing or border.

I remember thinking how clever it was to sew two long strips of fabric together and then cutting them, rearranging and sewing to get a 4-patch. It seemed so much easier than cutting little squares - but if I wanted a more random look it always seemed that the little squares were the way to go.  And little squares are just not appealing to me to work with on a grand scale.

Billie Lauder, has figured out a terrific way to make 4-patches, and she has shared videos for making two fabric 4-patches and super scrappy 4-patches. These are really fun to put together.....  I used the Super Scrappy 4-Patch Method...

1: Pick your fabrics and end size. You will cut some squares one inch larger than what you want them to finish and then cut some strips that are half the width of the squares.

2: Put the fabrics together. You can sew squares together, or two strips to a square. Pick either squares or strips to sew onto a square. Sew 1/4 inch seams - sew the strips with one seam, the square with two seams (to make a tube).

3: See the seams for how you sew the parts together! Just two seams for each part for now.

4: Without cutting the seams you have just sewn, cut the square in half. Press the seams.

5: Trim the ends if needed, then arrange the pieces so they are all next to each other. In my case I just looked to get it so the same fabric was not next to each other in either direction. The photo shows two columns of the blocks, the column on the left will be sewn to the column on the right.

6: Fold the first square in half, use that as your cutting line.  After the first cut flip over the next seam and cut...


7: If you use the ruler to measure your cuts, the unfinished block will be exactly the size you want.  (I found it's easier to use the folding method.)


8: In a really short time, you will have a lot of 4-patch blocks! Here are just a few examples of how you could arrange 4-patches so they are the highlight of your quilting project:
Eight A

Eight B

Eight C

Eight D

Eight E
I hope you will try this technique for making 4-patches - it's a lot of fun.

I added strips to make my 10.5 inch blocks.  That way I'll have plenty of room to do the Leah Day Free Motion Quilt Along!  

I'm releasing this post at midnight.  Check back later to see my progress as I make these blocks into a baby quilt!

Thanks for visiting - now please go on and visit the other quilters who are sharing:

Today's Contributers are:
July 7th
QuiltQuest (That's me)

See the list of all the blogs participating, click on the button on the side-bar of Jane's Fabrics!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things

I'm hooking up with:


Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday - Nothing with fabric
Thursday - I had the house to myself.  Worked on my RWB block - took photos to write up a tutorial.
Friday - I decided to use the RWB blocks for my Leah Day project, and to give the quilt to Gary and Kate who have just had a baby boy!  I finished putting together scraps for the SewCalGal challenge and sewed a sample.  It's very similar to what I was doing for LibRR1, sectioning off the top and filling with different FMQ design.  A fun way to do it!
Saturday - Nothing with fabric
Sunday - Nothing with fabric
Monday - Added one strip to the RWB blocks.

Way Too Much Information

Tuesday - Mom to exercise, gardening, filing papers

Wednesday - to conference.  Had dinner with DH at Subuco (sp?) sushi

Thursday - time to sew in the evening!  In the daytime gardening, cleaning, laundry.  Had dinner with DS at Casa Adams

Friday - cooking class with DS - Korean food!  Then some time with DS at home.  He left then I had a little time to sew before meeting Ba for dinner and then on to see her daughter in Flag and drum corp in Oceanside.  When we returned I finished the SewCalGal challenge for the month.

Saturday - Ba and I drove to Hemet to meet up with her daughter's group.  We helped with cleaning up after breakfast and helped to prepare and clean up lunch.  Then we drove to Walnut for the competition there.  We had a little break so went for Starbucks to rest and use their wireless to get a hotel - but ended up having to text DH and he found a great place for us to stay - the CalPoly Convention Center. After the competition we went to CalPoly and slept.

Sunday - We had breakfast at CalPoly - then back to Hemet to help out with food - we made sure to make time to watch the kids practice on this last day.  Then stopped by the Hemet Stone Maze on the way to Riverside for the competition.  Her daughter's group really gave a great performance!  Then we drove back to San Diego to my place to sleep.

Monday - Ba and I had breakfast at Corner Bakery before she left with Do friend's for Sacramento.  I went home and slept pretty much most of the day.  I sewed one strip to the RWB blocks.