
Monday, June 21, 2021

Round Up Week 24: I Just Don't Know

My sewing machines are still not in working order.

I finished my hand work for the In the Studio with Lauren Class.  Couching.  She only demoed machine couching though so I had to look online for help on how to do it by hand.

I ran the string that I was couching thru a stick of glue to help it stay in place.

And I cut the design out of cardboard so I had a shape to guide me.

At the end I wasn't sure how to finish the thread so I just doubled up at the end and beginning so it's thicker there - and I added more stitches.

This one for sure would fall apart if it were ever washed.

But at least I have the block done.

The class this week was another version of the first week's lesson, reverse applique - but this time instead of just cutting the line to be exposed, we are to have an pattern to cut out and then push the seams back and sew them down.  The example was a heart with sort of petal designs.  Way too complicated for beginners.  As the weeks go by it seems that fewer and fewer of the people are sharing their completed homework...  : (

I went to my once a month sewing group this week for the first time since the shut-in.  It was nice to see the other ladies.  They have been meeting for several months but I needed more time before I felt comfortable being with others.  Only 7 people were there.  The tables were more than 6-week apart.  I spent the time setting up to start making charity quilt kits - got an okay start on cutting strips.  My friend in RI happened to call when I was in the other room (away from the others) getting fabric so I lost a lot of time to that.  I left just as their group lunch was starting as I hadn't planned to stay and didn't bring food to share or eat. I received my share of the Christmas Swap Blocks!  I put them on my bed for a photo but I couldn't get all 20 of them in one shot.  Some have so much detail.  Very nice.

It will be nice to put these together and to have a holiday quilt....


I used an app to order groceries and for the first time went to the store and had them put the food in the truck.  This was a great system.  The store I went to is the only one in San Diego with Home Chef Meal Kits on order - when I used instacart I could not get the meals.  They have been nice to make and eat.  My husband even helped out the first night.

I got more books gone thru and have six books of books and things for Goodwill.  There is a lot more to go thru, but I think by taking photos of what I'm giving away it will help me let go.  Not that I will ever be able to find the photos again easily, but I will have photos anyway.

When I was in between 6th and 7th grade I went to Germany to visit my Godsister and her husband (he was in the service).  I had a grand time traveling with her and staying with them.  I go this cute baby set while on that trip.  I never used with our son, so it was just boxed away.  I hope someone will enjoy using them now or at least displaying them now.

I had several books from the Barbie series - already gave some away to the little girls in our son's play group.  So dated now.... but I looked online and see offered for sale for between $23 and $45! So hopefully Goodwill will price accordingly.

I picked this book up at a free book place, as I liked the cover...

Ah well.  So started making more progress going thru things - and still avoiding paperwork.  I'm finally ready to chuck it all though.  No one would ever look at things if I scanned them so pretty sure I'm just going to shred things older than 2014 - I think 7 years is the magic number for how long needed to keep bills and statements for possible audits?  I just don't know.

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