
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Memories: Notehand and Spelling

When I was in high school I took notehand.  It was a fast way of writing that was really fun for me. 

Through the years, I have acquired books to review and learn this in more detail.  I still think that would be fun to do.

In reading today's post from I swas reminded of a day in my high school Notehand class.

I was taking the final exam.  The test was lines and paragraphs of notehand to translate to words and the other way around:

_ tm to thk iz   = the time to think is

I had practiced a lot and did the translations easily.  I finished first with over 30 minutes to spare.  It wasn't enough to do the translations though things had to be spelled correctly too.  We were allowed to use dictionaries, so I had more than enough time to find the word that I suspected I had spelled incorrectly.

But really if you don't know how to spell some words, it's hopeless to try to find in one of those things.

I am not sure what the word was.  I just went blank and it bothered me so much. 

Perhaps the word was 'enough', I'm not sure.

But I didn't get 100% that day.

Later in college I took an exam and thought I was so smart to write about rubrics in my answer. But I misspelled the word 'rubrics' consistently and was really put down a notch.  My misspelling distracted the professor from realizing I really had something to contribute to the class.  Oh well.

Please go ahead and read the post from, she tells her stories in a very entertaining way.  You will enjoy the visit!


  1. Thanks for the link! Memories of school days are strangely bitter-sweet sometimes! :-)


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