
Friday, October 30, 2020

Autumn Jubilee: Quilt Assembly and Finish

So after only four weeks of blocks, now we see the beautiful finishing up of this quilt:

See how she has added different sized sashing between some of the rows of blocks?  Using different colors for the light back ground too makes the quilt come alive.  And look at the three borders she added.  One of the background, then a scrappy one using up some of her left over fabric, and the beautiful gold that she used for the last border and the binding.  It's really a lovely quilt.  She said it is queen sized.  Wouldn't it be a great present for a friend moving from New England to Florida?  I think so.  I have downloaded the steps and will shop my stash for fabric to use for this beauty!


On the June side of sewing, last night I put a binding on a piece of pre-quilted fabric that I found while going thru my fabric.  One side has bright blue, the other bright orange. The fabric is non-cotton - a kind of slippery light weight fabric.  Reminds me of the fabric that used to be in ski pants and jackets.  Our little dog seems to like this slippery kind of fabric to sleep on and snuggle under.

Last year I had bleached some green pants that I got at Costco (quick dry pants with zippered pocket in the leg and more in the front and back at each side). With the bleach they turned construction worker yellow.  I wore them for my Pj's during our trip to Africa (thinking if I needed I could wear outside too).  They were fine for Pj's, but I guess the bleaching made parts of the pants weak so developed a hole.  I cut a pant leg into 2 inch strips and joined them together for the binding.  I thought I could press the piece in half and sew it onto the fabric in one step. It sort of worked, but even with this I had trouble getting the sides to be even and smooth.  I had thought of using a glue stick to place the fabric, but thought I could bypass that so just sewed.  To mimic the stitching on the fabric I went around the fabric two times.

I thought the pants that I used for the batting would not fray, but it looks like it might already be doing that.  Oh well,  Buffy already liked sleeping on it earlier to today.

I read that dogs would see blue and yellow, so it is good colors for her.

JoAnn's had a good sale earlier this week - the things I was interested in were 30% off and they offered free shipping so I treated myself finally to the June Taylor Shape Cutter to help when cutting lots of strips, a 2.25 inch ruler (for binding), different types of self threading needles, and a couple of bottles of basting spray.  After I placed the order I saw that Amazon has much better prices of the self-threading needles, so if I need more will get via Amazon.  But almost everything has already arrived from JoAnn's - and so great that I didn't have to stand in any lines to get them!

DH got me some new legs for my cutting table - I will be able to turn a small handle to change the height so I can cut without hurting my back - or I can sit down at it with a regular chair too. We haven't put the new legs on yet.  In the meantime the bed risers I got are working okay.  I just have to be very careful not to push on the side or the table falls off the risers.

I emptied out two metal pattern chests my mom left me.  It is fun to see the fabric and patterns she had left inside the drawers.  I am going to keep them as I may decide to sew some clothes someday.  But my husband and son will now have 30 divided drawers to organize their tools and things in for their woodwork and electrical stuff. I can picture having a drawer for drills and one for sanders and other things.  Mason jars can be filled and we can write what it in them on the lids so it's easy to find.  It would be so nice if they would put labels on the outside of the drawers and put things back so things are easy to find!

There is one more of the red chests for the screw drivers and flatter tools. Right now that is on a red cart next to the taller chest in the unfinished part of the garage.  Maybe someday I will be able to use again for sewing, but they are too heavy to take up the stairs to my sewing area now, so this will be a great way for them to be used now. Also the sections in the drawers are either to large, or too small it seems to really use for quilting projects.  

I have a bunch of stuff again now to organize and put into my already overflowing sewing area...

I have been using this lock in time to really go thru things and make stacks of things to give away, or toss and to keep.  Honestly only the kitchen and den are without extra boxes now.  But since no one will be coming over, I will be able to make hopefully the best progress ever with going thru things.

I found about four roasting trays.  I never use them and am ready to free cycle or goodwill them.  I always thought I would figure out a reason to use them, but so far haven't done that.  The few times I have roasted something I have put a few carrots or potatoes under them and just put in the oven on a tray.  If anyone has ideas for me to use these things, please let me know!

I received text from the city telling me they had received my ballot.  Hope anyone reading this has voted, or will vote on or before next Tuesday.  

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