
Friday, July 22, 2016

Comic-Con 2016

We met friends at Spanish Landing, then called Uber to take us downtown, so we could watch folks dressed up for Comic-Con 2016!

Comic-Con International: San Diego is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular artforms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.

Spanish Landing

The tickets for the events are sold online and sell out very quickly.  We came before the huge rush of attendees years ago. Came just for the evening - saw the vendor area and sat in on a great Star Trek panel. It was fun. Wish we had done that more with our son.  But it was fun to share the evening with friends.
After the crowds downtown we went to Tom Ham's Lighthouse at the end of Shelter Island for an end of the evening drink.
This was my first time at Tom's Lighthouse at night.  We sat outside and were in awe of the beautiful view.  Definitely the best time of day to bring out of towners!


  1. Replies
    1. It was fun! I just found out that if we had gone on Saturday instead though it would have been very different as that is the evening of the zombie walk. I'm okay to have missed that, some of the makeup is very realistic!

    2. Ohhhhhh Comic Con. Now that is something I definitely would love to visit. all dressed up of course =)

    3. Yes, being in costume would have been more fun. My Halloween gypsy get up though wouldn't have been good - maybe I can put together a Star Trek outfit for next year! What or who would you dress up as?


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