
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things (Sept 4 - 10)

Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday - I got email back from the lady who organized the QAYG QAL - she said that actually the method she had proposed for the project for joining the blocks worked okay - but getting the rows together was a bear and she would not use that way again.  So I'm left to figure out how to join those rows after all....!  I think I'm going to add strips of fabric - too bad that will now change the intended design for the quilt....
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information
Tuesday - Got more bookkeeping down - DS was late in coming so I ended up meeting him so he could take his car to campus and I took my mom back to her place.  We all had dinner together - grilled chicken, vegetables and salad.  It was really nice for the three of us to eat together.

Wednesday -Today was DH birthday - it was nice that DS came over and planned to stay for the day.  Unfortunately or what ever he had homework to do, DH had bookkeeping and class stuff to do, and I was busy on the bookkeeping and filing.  We all stayed in the office with the A/C on though so it was nice.  We went to Soup Plantation for lunch and Haritna Mediterranean Restaurant for dinner. Like being a family again.  I stayed up way too late sending out emails for the conference - we really need to get our numbers up!

Thursday - Making good progress with bookkeeping.  DS was supposed to come over to help paint, but he cancelled so I just kept working on bookkeeping  I can taste the end in sight.  Late in the evening DH finally finished what he needed to do - that frees me to do the final stuff I need to do before calling the real bookkeeper over!  Watched President Obama in real time at the convention.

Friday - Mainly bookkeeping. Finding excel files and putting in monthly notes to get the files ready for the bookkeeper.

Saturday - A day off!  We four spent the day together for DH's birthday.  He likes to looks at UFO sites for "his" days.  We started by going to  These people believe in past lives on earth and other planets.
Who among us has not asked, Are We Alone? Is There Intelligent Life elsewhere in the Universe and if so what is the nature of extraterrestrials? Are UFOs real? Why are they here? Do extraterrestrial civilizations exist? Could UFOs offer us a glimpse into the reality of Extraterrestrial Life and alien technology? Polls reveal that over 90% of the American people believe in UFOs.
Somehow all the 'people' from the other planets looks like humans and they wear interesting clothes!  DH is interested to know if the people really believe or if they are all in on a hoax.  We didn't find out this trip, but this is what he likes to do so we do it with him.  Next month there is a event he wants to go to:
The 29th Interplanetary Conclave of Light
October 13 & 14, 2012
After that we went to Julian where there is a used bookstore that features UFO stuff - but this time there were not many books.  It was a nice day though walking the street and having lunch.

Sunday - Did a lot of work for the conference I am chairing - emails - invoicing - counting, etc.  Our numbers are always so low at this stage of the year.  It's nice to have time to do the extra emails....

Monday - Minor straightening up - then off to dentist.  After that I went out to lunch and delivered things to be sent out via FedEx and USPS.  Finally mailed the things we got in Jamaica to the two new babys.  Bob Marley bib and onesy.  Silly gifts - that cost over $7 to mail!  Then I went to El Cajon and had meeting with the lady who is doing the preregistration stuff for the groups - turns out one has to use a mouse to so some of the things needed in Google spreadsheets.  Now I think she is set for doing everything.  I will do the invoicing based on what she has in the spreadsheets.  Should work out swell.
Tomorrow the bookkeeper comes by - I'm hoping I can pass all of 2011 off to him - then I can concentrate on clearning and sewing for a while!

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