
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

SewCalGal - FMQ Challenge - September 2012

SeptemberPaula Reid

My progress

Tracing the pattern.

: )


This design looks okay - but not that much fun to sew....  following the lines makes it too perfect to me. Although I'd like to do with some pages from a kids coloring book - that sounds fun somehow.

I did a similar design earlier this year doing it free hand.  The extra corner pieces in the template are nice. And another one that used a template too...

It's actually amazing how much I have learned thru my FMQing practice.  I'm very lucky to have three online challenges guiding me thru different projects and different ways to finish things up!

Now I'm switching to piecing houses for online swap of liberated houses!

You too can join up with the 2012 SewCalGal's Free-Motion Quilt Challenge now to become a better free motion quilter and have the chance to win fabulous prizes!!  

 To enter the September drawing:
1. Write blog entry or post a photo on Flicker. Copy and save the URL.
2. Then go to
3. Click on the August link - you'll go to the screen with information about the challenge for September. The direct link is:
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and add the link to your site.

I'm coding all my entries about this project with SewCalGalFMQ2012 so clicking on that will show the most recent post on top.I was the last one to sign up this time.... as I forgot to do when I finished the block.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things (Sep 18 - 24)

Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information
Tuesday - I have finished the kitchen (except under the sink and the frig)!  DH was gone all day and DS popped in and out a few times - I worked on computer so he could finish up his homework for his class in peace.  I haven't decided if I will go to the den or the living room after I finish the kitchen.  I have a collection started of things to sell or give away on the counter between the kitchen and the den. Will need to clear that off before I can have people over....

Wednesday - Conference.

Thursday - Took more out for exercise and nails.  She is doing well.

Friday -

Saturday - Compiling info for the conference.

Sunday - Meeting for conference - took all day.

Monday - Spent all day working to get forms from speakers required by venue in database so I could send them an email telling them when their talk is scheduled and if we needed the form from them.  Stupid way to spend time - that form is taking up a lot of time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things (Sep 11 - Sep 17)

Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information
Tuesday - Bookkeeper came by.  Even though I had reconciled almost everything there was still about 7 hours of work to do!  That pretty much ate up the day.

Wednesday - Didn't get organized well - spent day waiting for email answers.

Thursday - Took mom to exercise and then to have her nails done.  It's amazing how well she is doing. I'm very proud of her - and happy she is doing so well.

Friday - Back to working on the conference.  There are still lots of things that have to be done manually...  went to the place were are considering to cater the event - they closed a full hour sooner than their website said it would - and didn't answer phone.  I got some dim sum and came home and nibbled waiting for DH to come home.  It's 108 degrees.  We aren't used to that.  The fan isn't really helping... Hired a guy to the weeding next week.  I suggested he start at 7am to try and get ahead of the heat....

Saturday - Way to hot again.  Got up late so I could stay in the bedroom.  Then plopped in the den with the fan and TV.  Around 2 got DH to leave with me for a lunch in an A/Ced place - we went to a sandwich shop.  It was cool....  then to grocery store - another A/Ced place.  We got stuff for a BBQ and ice to put in front of the fan.  20 lbs melted within an hour!  When we started making dinner I texted DS to see if he'd like to come for dinner and then to watch Dr Who - was surprised and happy that he said yes.  He had to walk the dog first so it was an hour before they arrived.  It was a nice evening.   Dr Who didn't happen as something was taking too long to process - we watched a few Big Bang theories - too hot to do anything that requires thinking.  I again mentioned the crepes - DS seemed interested and so did his friend - but no emails to confirm anything so far.  I spend so much time emailing and waiting.  Some people I call and still have to wait.  Guess I'm just on a different schedule than others - but I'm tired of waiting and even more tired of going thru emails and writing up summary emails.  It's just plain rude for people to not respond.  Some people I don't even write to anymore just to be friendly - it takes no time at all to send back a smily face or thanks...

Sunday - Didn't get a lot done.  Waiting for information regarding the conference.  Did make hummus for the first time - was nice to have for dinner with the flatbread I made too.  Very hot today.

Monday - As soon as DH left I got started with going thru the kitchen cupboards.  Was abel to get thru about half.  We actually don't have a lot of food in our cupboards - but we do have a lot of sugar and rice!  And flour - but I keep that in the frig and that's in the frig that I haven't gotten to yet....I think we are going to go ahead and get the bamboo floor in the kitchen.  If it warps by the sink then I'll have tile put down there. Need to decide and hire people to things....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things (Sept 4 - 10)

Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday - I got email back from the lady who organized the QAYG QAL - she said that actually the method she had proposed for the project for joining the blocks worked okay - but getting the rows together was a bear and she would not use that way again.  So I'm left to figure out how to join those rows after all....!  I think I'm going to add strips of fabric - too bad that will now change the intended design for the quilt....
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information
Tuesday - Got more bookkeeping down - DS was late in coming so I ended up meeting him so he could take his car to campus and I took my mom back to her place.  We all had dinner together - grilled chicken, vegetables and salad.  It was really nice for the three of us to eat together.

Wednesday -Today was DH birthday - it was nice that DS came over and planned to stay for the day.  Unfortunately or what ever he had homework to do, DH had bookkeeping and class stuff to do, and I was busy on the bookkeeping and filing.  We all stayed in the office with the A/C on though so it was nice.  We went to Soup Plantation for lunch and Haritna Mediterranean Restaurant for dinner. Like being a family again.  I stayed up way too late sending out emails for the conference - we really need to get our numbers up!

Thursday - Making good progress with bookkeeping.  DS was supposed to come over to help paint, but he cancelled so I just kept working on bookkeeping  I can taste the end in sight.  Late in the evening DH finally finished what he needed to do - that frees me to do the final stuff I need to do before calling the real bookkeeper over!  Watched President Obama in real time at the convention.

Friday - Mainly bookkeeping. Finding excel files and putting in monthly notes to get the files ready for the bookkeeper.

Saturday - A day off!  We four spent the day together for DH's birthday.  He likes to looks at UFO sites for "his" days.  We started by going to  These people believe in past lives on earth and other planets.
Who among us has not asked, Are We Alone? Is There Intelligent Life elsewhere in the Universe and if so what is the nature of extraterrestrials? Are UFOs real? Why are they here? Do extraterrestrial civilizations exist? Could UFOs offer us a glimpse into the reality of Extraterrestrial Life and alien technology? Polls reveal that over 90% of the American people believe in UFOs.
Somehow all the 'people' from the other planets looks like humans and they wear interesting clothes!  DH is interested to know if the people really believe or if they are all in on a hoax.  We didn't find out this trip, but this is what he likes to do so we do it with him.  Next month there is a event he wants to go to:
The 29th Interplanetary Conclave of Light
October 13 & 14, 2012
After that we went to Julian where there is a used bookstore that features UFO stuff - but this time there were not many books.  It was a nice day though walking the street and having lunch.

Sunday - Did a lot of work for the conference I am chairing - emails - invoicing - counting, etc.  Our numbers are always so low at this stage of the year.  It's nice to have time to do the extra emails....

Monday - Minor straightening up - then off to dentist.  After that I went out to lunch and delivered things to be sent out via FedEx and USPS.  Finally mailed the things we got in Jamaica to the two new babys.  Bob Marley bib and onesy.  Silly gifts - that cost over $7 to mail!  Then I went to El Cajon and had meeting with the lady who is doing the preregistration stuff for the groups - turns out one has to use a mouse to so some of the things needed in Google spreadsheets.  Now I think she is set for doing everything.  I will do the invoicing based on what she has in the spreadsheets.  Should work out swell.
Tomorrow the bookkeeper comes by - I'm hoping I can pass all of 2011 off to him - then I can concentrate on clearning and sewing for a while!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things (Aug 28 - Sep 3)

Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday -
Thursday - I set up the machine and practiced the August SewCalGal Challenge.  I did the border example as I couldn't get even the paper and pencil versions of the other types so they looked half way decent.
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday - I started sewing my FMQAYGQAL blocks.  I have watched the video and clicked on the links but am still not sure how to join the rows -but figured I'd never find out if I didn't do it.  I'll take photos so the next person won't have to worry about it.
Monday -

Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -  I listened to the ArchersOmni: 2012-07-08 while I was in the sewing room and the house was empty.  Boy, I've missed a bunch - hoping I can get a little more caught up in the story.  I guess I don't understand how iTunes it self works as I thought I'd automatically be getting the story.  It was nice to have company while I was drawing and sewing!
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information

Front yard.  There is a slope from the rock wall to the sidewalk and
a low, spread out pile of dirt, rocks gravel, junk closer to the house.
Tuesday - Went to a wonderful nursery today -  Las Pilitas Nursery - only carries real native California plants!  The landscaper helped me lay out the front yard.  

I left with a list of things to do and the order to do them: level the ground (or send it away), Harvest more gravel and rocks, Plan where the dry river bed will go and the water lines. (mark with upside down paint) Get supplies at farm supply (Grangetto's or Hunters).  (She suggested 3/4  inch flexible poly tubing and pop up sprinklers*) Dig for the river bed and water lines.  Have water lines put in.  Put rocks in river bed and plant!
The front yard planting guide

* Native plants do not do well with drip systems!
She recommended not putting fabric under the dry river bed - instead to use round-up there.  She said the fabric deteriorates after a few years and is a pain to pick out between the rocks.

Then I had planning meeting for the conference.  Got a lot of information, still a few decisions to make, etc.  The folks who attended were all really nice.  It will be a good event - much better than last year!  I'm doing a better job of getting more help ahead of time so most of the big jobs are smaller.

I notified the master gardener that I would not be needing her services at this time.

Wednesday - I didn't get much accomplished today.  I wrote up a job aid for someone on the committee but haven't gotten any feedback so not sure if I was clear or if the procedure is too complicated.  I cleaned the kitchen, but didn't do any bookkeeping, writing up of notes from meeting yesterday, sewing.  Nothing.  AND I ate poorly too: 2 mints, peanut butter and jam sandwich, figs and walnuts.  I wonder why that happens?  It was hot, but no excuse or real reason not to get more work done.

Thursday - Very hot today.  Made sure to sleep so I was alert today.  I changed out one more of the sprinklers.  I hope the dual spray rainbirds will help get the water where it needs to go!  I had the house to myself so did some cleaning and pulled out my drafts of the August challenge - they do not look very well.  In the end I decided to do the border version.

Friday - Hot today.  Again just couldn't get started with finishing things.  In the evening I finally wrote up the notes for the Tuesday meeting and did the emails needed for the conference.  DH BBQed hotdogs for dinner - it was nice - although I really didn't want to eat any more for a month or so.  I've gone way  over my quota for once a month hot dogs.  I did get the data I need into FMP, then remembered I can't do the math there so am bringing it back out in excel - more difficult there to match columns....

Saturday - Started off the day by watering, planning yard in my head some more, bringing in the 2011 data into excel and successfully got rid of different year data and the data without proper coding for reimbursements and brought in the right stuff.  Then started the day long break it seems.  We have watched the last Christmas Special for Dr WHO and are now watching the newest episode while our first tri-tip is slow cooking on the BBQ.  We also are roasting the last beets from the garden.  DH did some weeding or cutting back of leaves in the AM so that's good.  He was probably working when I came downstairs and started on the unproductive day that this has turned out to be.  But it's nice to see Dr WHO again. Tomorrow I can get caught up with bookkeeping and restart clearning things out and hiring help for the house.

Sunday - Got a good rest.  Woke and got right started with bookkeeping.  I had forgotten that I needed to print out statements so took a side trip to do that.  In the end I had to go to store and get some new printer toner.  I"m not finished, but got farther along.  I hope tomorrow I can get a lot more done.  It was sort of nice to get out to store for the toner.  Walked around a bit too - and went to Costco to get salad - they have a new to me bagged Kale salad that we will try out.  Stopped to visit mom - left supplies.  She said she didn't want TV nor radio that she just spent her time thinking about things.  She didn't say what - maybe I should push her sometime....  At home DH got the new cable boxes in place so we   watch some TV while we had our left over tri-tip, corn, black bean, tomato, BBQ sauce and vinegar and oil salad.  Was nice.  I did some more work- I already think I keep deposit slips and deposit slips handy - but this time I forgot one deposit -and have to look to see where the checks were written.  I like the UBOC site so much better than USE Credit Union - and also better than OCTFCU - only UBOC let's me see the deposit slips and the checks - for many years back.  I really need to close those other accounts - at least the USE ones as they charge so much and really are lousy with customer service.

Monday - More work on bookkeeping....