
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things

I'm linking to:


Tuesday - June 12 - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday - June 13 - Nothing with fabric
Thursday - June 14 - Nothing with fabric
Friday - June 15 - Nothing with fabric
Saturday - June 16 -- Nothing with fabric
Sunday - June 17 - Nothing with fabric
Monday - June 18 - Nothing with fabric

Too Much Information

Tuesday - June 12 - Today was totally a spurge day.  I paid bills, then picked my mom up to take her to exercise.  Walked back and forth to the main campus to get the parking card and chatted a little with the new director of the program. The student said my mom did well - but I forgot to verify she was doing foot flexibility work.  Then took mom to beauty school where she had a manicure and pedicure, while I had a new haircut.  Turns out my student was very new - so I really got a haircut by her and then a correction haircut by the instructor.  Sweet.  I walked mom back and got her set up with hot tea...  I walked back and went to the post office to mail my blocklotto blocks off.  Then I went to the other manicurist and had a pedicure and manicure - but not just a regular one - she has new spa chairs so I had a spa pedicure, with sugar rub and parafin - and then hot oil manicure - and then I had both toes and finger nails buffed - so they look quite nice.  The nails were cut really short as I'm going to be working in the yard and painting still.  So it was quite a spurge day!

Wednesday - June 13 - I cleaned today.  That meant picking up, dusting, moving furniture, vacuuming. I did the downstairs.

Thursday - June 14 - Stayed home so I could be here while Jose installed the UC Verde plugs.  He had one guy with a pick to make the holes, his son dipped each plug and put it in the hole, and his Dad set the plug so it was straight - smoothed the soil and pushed it around the plug.  He showed me how to change the timer for the sprinklers - I feel so empowered.  Last minute cleaning before Barb arrived.  B and I watched movie "Paul" - pretty funny while waiting for Barb to get here.  Barb got here sort of late, but we stayed up and chatted a while before heading off to bed.

Friday - June 15 - Went to cooking class - then my friend used the van to drive to see other people.  The subject for the class to day was sushi.  My son met me there (we drove back home together afterwards.)  Lots of fun, and a ton of people.  Too many really.  Neither my son nor I got to roll any sushi, but it was nice to see the others work at it.  We got to taste at the end - delicious.

Back at home Jose had put the plugs in the center part of the front - and had cleaned up the side - but had not planted anything.  He also had stuccoed around the door and put up frame on the inside and did several other things.

After discussion we decided to plant in a little design so it wouldn't look like we ran out of plugs...  I just realized tonight that he didn't dip the plugs so not sure if they will survive. We have a section of this side yard without any plugs - so I will either move rocks or plant some ground cover.

Unfortunately we didn't think about putting irrigation in this side area, so I will be hand watering it.  We can have a water pipe put on the top back edge of the new cement then have it go under grand once it hits dirt - Then the line would go off when the sprinkler go for the side of the back yard.  I couldn't decide whether we should do this or not (cost around $150).

I'm waiting for Steve, who gave the talk on irrigation at the Cuyamaca Water Conservation Garden to write back with the information on the lawn drip system that his professor developed so I can buy that.  I really want to not have traditional sprinklers in the front yard and am willing to hand water to establish the lawn so it can go to a drip system once established.

 So nice to have an in-person friend to hang-out with for a while!  DH did not cancel the garage sale so helped him a little with cleaning stuff out.

Cuyamaca Water Conservation Garden - Event Calendar Entry - Date: 06/09/2012  

10:00 am - 12:00 pm:


AND DIVE into DRIP--FREE FOR MEMBERS! Steve Jacobs of Nature Designs, Landscape for Life, teaches you how to tune up your existing irrigation to make it more Water Smart. Tips for Water Smart retrofitting, how to set your time clock, and when and how long to water your landscape and time to ask your irrigation questions included. Steve will introduce you to drip irrigation, share the appropriate application for drip, share the pros and cons, and demonstrate how to install a basic drip system. Great for the irrigation challenged! NOT A MEMBER? Join at the class and receive a full refund on your class fee! WOW! Members please register online if you plan to attend this FREE class. Thank you. 

Saturday - June 16 - I watered the new lawn in front, the Barb got up and we went to store to get coins for DH to have change at the garage sale.  There wasn't time to walk to breakfast the way I had hoped...  By the time we got back DH was up and the table of things was on the driveway - there were a few people who stopped by.  In the end he closed up at 10 and sold 4 or 5 things, he packed up the rest and took to good will so it's out of the garage now so that is good.  Barb and I went to Balboa Park for the Master Gardener sale - I bought different tomato and cucumber plants - then we got Mexican and brought it home to eat with DH.  Then time for a nap - can't believe how tired I was!  Then Barb and I met another of her Japanese friend at market and she showed us the brands of stuff she buys for sushi - Barb and I bought some of the stuff.  They had a new yellow kiwi to sample taste - delicious!  I like it much better than the green kind.  After that we sat and chatted while the TV was on.  It was so nice to have the company!  I remembered an email blast I needed to send out for my organization - and when I returned from that Barb was in her bedroom ready to sleep so I went back upstairs and did that too.

Sunday - June 17 - Got up early to water the lawn in front - then read blogs and articles.  Very interesting articles on making iced coffee: Pioneer Woman - Imbibe & Vegetarian Lettuce Wraps & Framed Recipes & How to Kill Bermuda Grass: Lazy Gardens - UC Verde - or at least they were interesting to me!  Then had breakfast with my friend (we drove) - then she had to leave to see another friend and go home.  She had a great idea for project for me to make though - a quilted headboard for the bed in the sewing room - and a quilted box cover over the window! Sounds like a good project.  Then I could make for our master bedroom too!  After she left I took a nap.  When I woke my husband said our son and his friend were coming over for a BBQ.  So made salad for that.  We had a nice chat and ate hot dogs, salad, stuffed mushrooms and asparagus for dinner.  Had shrimp with cocktail sauce and veggie tray as appetizer.

Monday - June 18 - UC Verde Lawn rep wrote and said not to worry about not dipping the plugs in the front that as long as I keep watered should be okay.  She asked where I lived before answering my question about water use of native vs UC Verde lawn.  That answer will help me decide what to do with the front yard area.  Right now I'm feeling very uncreative and am very interested in just having something in place so I don't have to think about it more.  I guess I should ask her about the lawn drip irrigation system - she might know something about that!  Looking forward to finishing the bookkeeping and being able to restart sewing in my rotation.


  1. Lots going on this last week. Hope you are able to get back to sewing this next week.

  2. Wow. You were so busy with everything but sewing.

    Hope your week this week gives you time to enjoy your fabric.


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