
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Week 43: EBHQ PoppyPrint Workshops and Lecture

Maybe I am looking at different years when I'm looking up what week of the year it is.  So not even two weeks from my last post it seems to have jumped from Week 40 to Week 43???

This week was full of EBHQ and PoppyPrint Workshops! Krista Hennebury was well organized and provided good supply lists so we were able to at least start getting ready for the workshops.

The first class was Courthouse ColourPlay.  I really like the way the blocks started looking once we were sewing.  

During the class I finished these six areas...

In two places there is not enough contrast via a photo between my color bars and the center, but in person it looks more different.  She has a different way to get the blocks joined - build out instead of cutting to size - that will be fun to work on later once I have a few more areas finished.

I did have trouble though understanding the handout for how much fabric to prepare for Courtyard Colourplay - and that would be one suggestion to her for the workshops.  In the handout she mentions different sizes of strips and blocks, but is not really clear on what we need for the workshop.  In the end she was suggesting 1-12inch WOF strip to start for each color.  So far I'm having a lot of leftover fabric from these cuts.  Some people find it easy to cut into their fabric, for me it's difficult. The patterned fabric in the lower right I'm pretty sure was the third piece of fabric I purchased for quilting when I first tried my hand at it in 1990 or 1991!

The next class was Speed Date With Improv

She teaches it in a very smart way as she made videos to show the procedures ahead of time - so she did not have to repeat everything each time she teaches the class.  Instead she can concentrate on the questions people may have. (She has taught the class to over a thousand students since the pandemic hit - so I guess around 33-50 classes.) Her handouts were clear, and the videos were very helpful.

Here is what I was able to finish in the class:

I just have a few more of the cross blocks to finish to be done with what she was hoping we'd have finished.  Put together it would be around the size of a fat quarter memory wall hanging.

I like the way she had us pick only three fabrics for the project.  Much like the Pam Rocchio class I took having fewer colors really lets one see the design, the piecing.

I want to practice and write up a job aid for myself on how to make the long strip with the triangles that were sewn together on their short sides. This is something I was trying to do way back when I was making the first Liberated Round Robin project. (still a WIP)

I'm thinking instead of just making more of these blocks (especially since I have so many unused charm squares in these colors) to make the project larger I may change things up and add other samples of blocks in the mix too.

What she emphasized in the classes and lecture:

- make small projects to learn the step, or make large ones, but be sure to keep making things - I need to increase my time on this

- and branch out to other than quilting projects to help you grow your skills - I very rarely do anything other than quilting, so I'm weak in this area for sure!

- find help on YouTube as well as in person classes and local guild offerings - I will share a list of my favorite YouTube and blog offerings

- make an effort to make friends - believe it or not I actually work on this in almost every class I attend.  Using chat in zoom to write little notes to people and have shared my email address - but so far no one has written back...)

- participate in sewing activities hosted by community members. - I did the embroidery on the large piece after the Boston Bombing, have participated in online challenges, challenges with EBHQ, and have made charity quilts.

- take photos and organize them for inspiration.  I still regret not taking the photo of the art work in the lobby of the Jamaica airport and I only remember it was white and had a swirl in it now.  Sometimes I am successful with putting photos in online album on my phone - but sometimes they seem to disappear...

- design own stuff - I do this a lot actually - the next step would be make the items and to share and get connected with potential friends that way

- enjoy everything about the quilt - have fun.  I think I'm too serious about learning the craft, need to let go more and finish things and get more relaxed about what people say about my work.

- take time each week just for yourself - to grow, to learn, to practice, to create.  Even in these pandemic times I am very weak in this area.  It seems always something comes up to block what I had planned to do!

The lecture "How to Develop Your Signature Style" was very well organized around six areas, but I think better to not just list them here as she is selling a graphic that lists them.


I've now missed three of the Lauren classes.  First she was ill, then I had something come up and had to miss the class, then last week the link to enter wasn't working for me...  I hope I can get in tomorrow!


When sewing (leader and ender style) I have been putting together the triangles Pam Rocchio gave me at the end of her workshop.  I've got a nice little collection of 2 inch HST now.  I was trying to put a light with a dark fabric, but in the end to save time just sewed together the next two in the little stack I put by the machine.  I trimmed them all using my Strip Tube Ruler from Cozy quilts, then pressed them open.  Played around with some of them on my table... 


Buffy is still doing well, although she has started barking for some unknown reason during the mornings or the afternoons.  We try covering her, holding her, taking her outside, walking her, the hide and treat game, the water bottle game, new carrot chips, new water and food.  She still is barking.  She is eating and sleeping as normal so it's a mystery on what she wants/needs.


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