
Sunday, January 17, 2021

2021 Weekly Round Up Note 2: Not Quilting

2nd Weekly Round Up Note 

On my walking, I didn't do as much of anything this week.  The violence in DC and potential future violence - and probably loss of a friend over this has really got me down.  Look it's Sunday and I am just now sitting down to record my weekly progress...  

Even so though I did manage to walk 6000 steps all except one day last week.

The one day I did not walk was my birthday.  For years, on this day my husband and son make a special cake for me - Burnt Almond Cake.  My Godmother had it when she became the president or Worthy Matron of her Eastern Star chapter. (~1970ish).  It is still my favorite cake, made more special as we restrict ourselves and have it just once a year.

I've blogged about our tradition of each getting a special cake for our birthdays before, and the recipes are on the DodgeEats blog. (I blacked out the messy kitchen....)

For the dinner I made chicken sauerbraten using the same recipe we used for NYE, it was good, but not as delicious as making the recipe with beef!  Usually I do not do any of the cooking on my birthday - just keep them company while they cook and bake. We were not able to have the grocery deliver our traditional birthday dinner of premade chicken cordon bleu. Husband and son usually bake that and make side dishes and sauce for dinner. However, since we couldn't get first choice, I thought it might be nice to experiment with the frozen sauerbraten sauce.  

I used the leftover chicken from the birthday dinner to make a pot pie the next day - very nice indeed! Instead of making a crust though I used a Pillsbury crescent roll - and that was fine and made it very easy to make the left over chicken pot pie.

No Quilting or Sewing this week.  I did think more about the blocks that I need to make as I signed up for a block exchange with the Once a Month Saturday group that I used to sew with. We are not sewing together now.   If they are doing any zooming or emailing during this shut in, I'm not in that online loop - except for the one monthly email where the leader tells us all the bad news - one lady passed away, another's son is very ill, a quilt shop owner has cancer.  Other than the last I do not know the people by name - only by seeing them that once a month.  I have tried to get to know them, and for a few I email them a few times even before this shut in.  I'm realizing though that I really have no connection with them.  But I do need to finish the 20 blocks so they can be exchanged when the time comes.  In her email she was thinking we would be able to meet in person in March!  That seems very optimistic. 

Many of the ladies work together or at least used to work together at the same insurance company, but mainly they either attend the same church or at least attend church. They share the most delicious salads at the monthly potlucks. So they are generous to allow me to be part of their group.  For some reason I'm drawn to making a wreath block.  The only guidelines were that the block needed to be 9 inch finished and contain at least a little of the fabric that was distributed.  I know a few of them have done star blocks, and at least one made some with white background, and others with green background.  Guess she was using the fabric she had to make the blocks.  We saw an example of a group quilt they had done years ago so I saw that there was quite a variety in the number of pieces in each block and how they were made.  But I really like the idea of making a wreath block - my only hesitation is deciding the size of the wreath.  I mean do I need to make it smaller so it can be surrounded with white, or just go ahead and make it so the green of the wreath is at the edge...

No paper organizing, no decluttering.  I did remember to pay some once a quarter bills and to file paper work - when I got a notice that I had forgotten to do in September that is.  Oh dear.  Maybe this week will set up files for 2020 and for 2021 finally.

I did turn off the video news and will restrict myself to only reading or perhaps listening to the news for a while now.

I'm listening to more Elm Street Quilter books on Audible.  I getting them in the order they were published according to a list I found online: But the books were not published following the sequence of the story line.  Christmas Quilt for example has the main character un-married where she got married in the third book.  Anyway, it's a little entertaining, and the author is throwing in some American history in the stories too that is good to be reminded of.

I did do my exercise and made cookies with my son on Saturday - he thought of the idea to have a weekly bake day together during 2021.  So far we have just made cookies from mixes as I wasn't able to get all purpose flour.  But I got a bag finally so can really dream of different things to bake now!

I'm late with writing this second weekly round up.  I had planned on writing on Fridays and to cover the previous week.  I'm already into Sunday of the next week now, but still tried to keep the news about the previous week.

Hope this is a good week coming up.

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