Sunday, August 19, 2018

Starry Bright Sky QAL: Fabric Weaving Pattern 7a

While I was in Ireland I ordered the wefty needles, I watched the videos I could find, and was really excited to try this new-to-me way of making fabric. -
Tumbling Blocks Madweave Tutorial (Wefty)

Fabric Weaving: Triaxial Tumbling Blocks Weave -

Fundamentals of Fabric Weaving with Mister Domestic -

I watched more than this while there and once I returned...  I decided to set things up using the bottom of a box I was given at Costco.  Worked well.  I felt good that I didn't go to store to buy the foam core board.

Also, I didn't have the recommended lightweight woven fusible, but I used tape to secure the piece and was able to remove it quite well.

So that wasn't the problem.  

Here you can see that I drew the grid on the box, and used painters tape to secure so I could remove it to the sewing machine...

I just need more help and different directions so I can get the correct pattern in my work.  Maybe an example where a different fabric was used for the different sections - just to get where to do the weaving! I'm not sure if my error was made in level two or/and level three...

So this is what I ended up with.  Not happy with it.  Maybe will make a pillow top, or maybe not.

Other people were able to do the design as planned, and some did not.  I submitted my block via email, I received the next month's pattern but just now it doesn't look like she posted my image on the linky.  Oh well.

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