
Saturday, April 30, 2011

FBP - Week 16 - Alaska Homestead

Starting to get a little caught up with my Friday Block Party blocks - this one is Alaska Homestead from two weeks ago...

I organized myself a little and cut the strips I thought I would need to finish up my blocks that I'm behind in - and put them in a little container I got at the dollar store.  It sort of looks like a little sock drawer divider - with 8 spots for me to put strips.  I labeled each spot: 1.5, 1.75, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4.5, 5, 5.5.

Along with the little chart I made to describe the patterns it made this block at least get put together very easily.  I'm skipping the blocks that are not 10.5 and the ones that have more colors than I'm using now for the quilt.

Tomorrow I'll get the May Block Lotto pattern - so hopefully will get caught up with FBP and BL - then I can switch to do planning things for the Liberated Virtual Round Robin.  I had planned on starting it in the summer - which to me is June - but I'm getting the feeling some people think it's summer now!  It's going to be a fun project.