
Friday, February 25, 2011

Quilting Friday: Wonky Shoo Fly Section Basted

The class room was filled to the brim with people today when I arrived.  The basting tables and hallway tables were all being used too.  So I went home to prepare my quilt sandwich.  Since I was there I also put it on the bed to remind myself of the plan for the Wonky Shoo Fly quilt.  It's going to be nice.  I got another section 5 by 4 blocks set up - then drove back to classroom.  Pretty much everyone was gone - so I was able to baste on the good table....

So now I have three sections ready to quilt - so that will be my next project.

Because I lost time and momentum with the extra driving I did not do any sewing on FBP, BL, or the charity blocks.  So that will need to be for next week's class....