
Sunday, April 24, 2022

EBHQ Scraptastic Options

I attended a really wonderful EBHQ zoom workshop with Cheryl Arkison presenting: Scraptastic Options.

Even though I had read her book "Sunday Morning Quilts" the presentation covered it all more in detail so it was really nice.  She is one of those teachers who really enjoys quilting and people - it was a pleasure to spend the day with her and with the EBHQ community.

First she discussed different ways she organizes scraps.  The book just has some measurement guidelines, but she really explained how she does it - as a model for us to consider ourselves.  There was time to organize.  I only was able to do the first sorting as I was trying to do it all with fabric balance on my lap using a bankers box lid as the table.  The people who really spread out were able to do much more.

Then she went thru the process of making a block with the larger scraps and gave us sewing time.  Then the other sizes with more time to try things out.  At each level she also showed examples, and gave us more ideas and tips so we could be successful.

I'm excited to really get into organizing my scraps and using her ideas to make my own quilts.

I recommend both her book and taking workshops from her.

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