
Friday, November 7, 2014

Studio GO Circles

Went to adult education today and set up the GO, I needed and got a lot of help from the fellow students.

First I got help with just getting the machine out of the cupboard and onto a desk.

The cabinet where it is stored now requires the handle to be removed so the machine can be locked up.  That took a while to figure out.

Then the circle template was arranged differently than I imagined, and the circles were smaller too.  But it will be good.   So I had brought my Kansas City Troubles strips to do the circles.  It took me a while to decide but decided to go ahead.  I had to iron the facing on and then cut.  I did two different materials at the same time as the template has 2 columns of circles right next to each other.  But at first I was putting the template at the front of the tray and it wasn't working right, moving it to the back of the tray made it work in short order.

Because of all the figuring out I lost track of counting the circles, know I didn't finish all I will need for the abacus quilt, but realized I had cut more than I needed in the fabrics I already cut circles from.  I hadn't brought my sewing machine in the class, so didn't test the block - I just cut circles. So I sure hope I will like making the blocks for the quilt!

I thought I would need help with getting the machine back in the cabinet so had to shut down early as the lady who said she'd help had to leave early.  (Now I know a trick for moving it so can do on my own the next time! Simply carry without the tray, and hold the bars on either side!)

It gave me time though to chat with the instructor.  Talked about my Mom and how she is not eating as much now and more.  It was good to have someone listen and care.  (We have known each other off and on for about 22 years!)

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