
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Days - Fabric and Other Things Aug 7-Aug 13

My Days - Fabric and Other Things

Tuesday - Nothing with fabric
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday -

Way Too Much Information
Tuesday - I got up early to work on conference things - didn't even water the front yard!  Before I knew it DS was here (he had said he would come on Sunday but pushed it off to today as he adopted a dog last Friday).  He and DH chatted on their project then DS and I went to get my mom for her exercise class.  He filled out timesheets then we had lunch - and ran in to a man who said he would probably be able to give DS a job on campus since he would be taking his MA there!  What a lucky break!  DS dropped me off at home to work on conference stuff and he took mom for manicure and pedicure.  I worked on conference with DH then when DS returned he and DH had meeting about their project.  We harvested our first zucchini, the french radishes, also some basil, dill, and onion chives - what fun!  I have never been successful with zucchini before - I hope we have lots and lots so I can use and give away!

Wednesday - Worked on conference things.  Tried to make appointments for my mom but the doctor's office had the wrong approval so nothing happened there.  I need to finish some bookkeeping, but keep putting it and my sewing off.

Thursday - SDG&E sent an email to challenge us to use less electricity between 11 and 6 - so I went to campus with my husband.  We used 2 KwH - the challenge was to use less than 5 KwH.  Our reward is $2.25.  I spent the day either visiting DS who came to campus to bring my mom to her exercise class - or working on the forms for the conference in the fall.  In the evening one of the ladies offered to help prune back all the words I had put up - so I set her up to make improvements for me. The other chair was very busy making changes and suggestions for the other committee so that kept me busy.

Friday - When I woke there were no more changes.  Later in the day the first lady wrote and said she had deleted the emails from me last night so I compiled what I thought I sent to her and sent - but 6 hours later there are no changes.  And the other guy called and we chatted but there are no changes from him either.  But the forms are working so I'm really close to releasing things to the public and sending forms out to the potential speaker list.  Then we can work on the preregistration forms.... It was another SDG&E challenge day but this time we decided to stay home.  I mowed the lawn with electric mower for around 20 minutes.  DS and I set up the solar cooker that I had put together in a meetup workshop years ago and never used.  We then cut up some zucchini from the garden (my first one) and other store bought vegetables and put in the solar cooker.  But we started that too late in the day (1:30pm) so nothing really happened.  Had a nice time chatting.  I made lunch (tuna in salad).  Finished downloading the website for the organization and when DS left got to work making updates on the speaker and exhibitor forms and webpages.  Wrote a few emails and took a call from the site liaison just before going to grocery store.  She had finally connected with the person from campus and had new information so that was good.  I got a selection of hot dogs at the store.  DH was so happy with how quickly the new BBQ heated up - the hot dogs were delicious.

Saturday - Woke late - it was hot.  DS came by around 8am with his new little dog.  I met the dog then went back to sleep as I hadn't slept much - got up to work on the conference and do laundry. The ppl came for the conference meeting.  The records are not up to snuff - but we have all the files and papers and supplies so it will take time, but we will be able to figure things out.  Then got ready for BR and DR to come for BBQ - DH did a nice chicken with the stuffing and vegetables DS and I had started the day before.  DS left for little amounts of times and I tried to bond with the little dog - but she wasn't going for that.  We went to Ray at Night and saw the shops - had little hot fudge sundaes before returning home.

Sunday - Woke late - it was hot.  Dragged DH to IKEA to try and get new bed - I want one without a box spring so that means we have to get headboard too.  So we had breakfast, looked, decided on headboard then tested mattresses.  We decided to buy but IKEA was out of the slats.  So we have to go back in person on Tuesday to order - should be we have new bed on Thursday.  Then DH told me DS and friends were coming over for dinner - I knew we were going out to see the meteor showers but didn't know about dinner.  So we stopped at store and got supplies for salad and steak to slice and put on top.  It was fun to pick the second zucchini and squash and to use the chives for the meal.  Turns out there were clouds so we didn't go out.

Monday - Another hot day.  Spent it working on the conference and trying to conserve energy....

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are busy with so much right now. Hope things calm down soon so you can get back to the sewing room.


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