
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back on the Saddle

I set up the machine with my new 1/4" pressure foot and went around the blocks in the pinned Wonky Shoo Fly - it all seems okay now.

I had put on the walking foot and the foot seemed to be pressing down too much - there were a few puckers in the fabric.  I'm going to find the other machine my mom left me and get it tuned up and set up for the walking foot - then I will not have to mess with figuring out the set up on this machine.  But it might be while before I can go thru the boxes in the garage...

Anyway, I have the five block by two block section all with the blocks outlined.  Next step I'll put the quilting foot on and do the stitch in the ditch for the blocks with the Shoo Flies...

So I'm back on the saddle! and will get the other WSF section done too!  Or maybe I'll do more piecing on the Liberated Round Robin...