
Monday, July 12, 2021

Round Up Week 27: Swirls and Spirals

 Listened to online lecture by EBHQ: Spiral Motifs by Karin Lusnak

Karin is another brilliant quilter with formal art education.  She was first attracted to swirls when doing textile art and has been reinterpreting that, and houses in her work ever since.

Mentioned: Influenced by Book of Symbols by Carl Jung, Took class from Rosalie Dace

Shopped at: New Pieces on Gilman, Solano Bay Quilts in Cerrito ( ?), and a shop in Walnut Creek.

A scrap quilt...

You Hold the Key

A scrap Quilt

She paper pieced the diamonds!

How Karin makes a quilt swirl - it's a variation of a log cabin.

I hope I remember to give making swirls a try!

A very nice presentation, indeed!

Then EBHQ went on to discuss and share other projects and how they are being interpreted by members.  The Lone Robin, Postcard Exchange, Inspired By...  What a great group.  I'm glad to be a member.
Fabric Shops in San Francisco:

This weekend my DH and I will be driving and staying at hotels for The So Cal Quilt Shop Run!

Not quilting.

I went to Costco, Ikea, and Lowe's for a morning of being out of the house. Someday that won't be news!  At least I hope it won't!

It has been very hot, so not making as much progress with the papers and things upstairs as I had hoped, but it is slowly coming along.  I worked several hours going thru the pantry, freezer and frig and got rid of somethings that were too tired or old, and moved some items to the front so hopefully they get used sooner.

I have given myself permission to go thru things at least two times during this season, the first for a quick decision on keep or not.  (Then it's donate, shred or just toss.)  I have already gone thru the bookcase and bathroom three times - but now I really need to get going on the papers and get things together for the taxes.

It occurs to me that I need to organize things as I used to when teaching.  So a substitute could step in and take over!  Oh well...

The State has asked us to cut way back on electricity use between 4pm and 9pm so on Saturday we took Buffy and drove to Kate Sessions Park for a walk.  We all enjoyed it - even though there were many, many people who let their dogs off their leashes.  It's supposed to be:
  • Dogs allowed on leashes only

Little Buffy has been feeling better so there have been longer walks again.  And she is enjoying finding treats in we hide on the boxes, pillows and fabric on the floor.  It's very nice.

Still walking usually in the morning and afternoon.  Next week will start exercising again on my own or following a YouTube Program.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Round Up Week 26: More Walking

My sewing machines still are not operational.  There was no online Thursday class this week.

I did attend an EBHQ Zoom Presentation by my friend Sujata Shaw.  Stories in Stitches - the Journey Continues.  She had different quilts to share, and their story was set in different places.  I especially liked the ones she made while in India - or while thinking about India.  

When I first saw her in CA she shared with me how she was thinking she would be going back to hand applique - we discussed places to have templates made to go along with her patterns...

She had just a border of this on the chest at the foot of the bed where I slept.

Now she is making Indian quilts - done by hand.  When making you start at the borders and work your way into the center.  It is quilted onto the batting or what ever you have inside as you place the pieces in.
I found this tutorial: Kawandi Quilt Tutorial:

These are placemats she made - all by hand.  Her quilts on her beds and used in the kitchen are - or at least were back then - all browns with a little color accent.

The quilts hanging on her walls were bright!

Here is a quilt she made after seeing pieces of fabric drying in the common area where she visited in India on one of her Amy Butler tours.
Here is the photo of what she was seeing that inspired the quilt.

Here is she is with her mother in India - under one of her earlier quilts.

It was a really nice presentation.  

This last quilt I believe is the only repeat from her earlier talks. Wonderful collection of colors and shapes!


To help me out, our son is now in charge of giving his little dog her morning meds, so I have been taking longer walks in the morning since the little dog is not coming with me and I am not doing exercise sessions until I get the papers and boxes gone thru at least a first time!

This house is great looking.  I like the yard art, the metal on the front, the different colors of the paint.

The wood and metal fence was nice too.  I didn't realize until I had come home that I only show the back of the fence....

Here is another hidden metal fence - would be nice to see what it looks on the inside of the yard (this is a different street).

These folks put grass in between the slabs of cement for their driveway.  Looks so nice.  When I came up to take the photo I could see the grass was fake!  Such a good idea - no mowing will be required.  So nice looking!

Our Irish cousin send some new photos.....

Great one of her parents and new in-laws too!

They look so natural for this kiss.

Timeless beauty.

A friend called as she was in town, and invited me to a wonderful outdoor breakfast at a local restaurant.  We shared two meals and still had left overs for me to bring home for they guys.  It was really wonderful to get a little caught up and to see her in person!

I'm finally starting to make better progress with going thru papers that are not in bankers boxes.  Just made three stacks really this first go through so it was very easy.  Keep, Shred, and Toss.  I ended up using a magazine holder to put things that were obviously financial or something I need to follow up on so there are four stacks really.  The next go around will be putting into categories and filing away!  To change things up I shred and take results to the trash pretty much as I go, so I have lost track of the number of bags I've tossed. Also I have been doing the dishes and or putting dishes away as a little break too.  Making meals again too.