
Thursday, July 25, 2019

YouTube Improv: Quilt Block Tutorial

Saw this block and thought it would be fun to try.

It was, but there were some missing steps in the tutorial.

I started with six 7.5 inch fabric squares (instead of 6 inch squares) as that is what I already had.

I picked two different versions of the same colors.  In the video he just says six fabrics, but if you look there is a pattern of yellow/gold, dark/light turquoise, and medium/light green.

He doesn't say how many strips to try to get out of each six inch fabric square, but did say to try for between 1.5 and 2.5 inch at the edge.  He stresses wonky cuts.  I got four to five cuts from each square.

I sewed the cut strips together using chain piecing.  This was not mentioned in the tutorial, but it made sense to sew two of the same colors together.  And then to sew so the same colors (not shades of color) were next to each other.

Their original six 6 inch squares resulted in four 6.5 inch blocks.  Not for me.  Even after adding fabric so the sides would have fabrics in a few places My six 7.5 inch squares resulted in four 5.5 inch blocks.  I may try this again later.

For my current purposes of experimenting with YouTube directions, this is okay.

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